Chapter 19 Flashcards
people moving from their home country to a new country where they do not have citizenship
Culture Shock
the surprise of the cultural disparity between their and their new country’s culture
the process of accepting the new culture.
Acculturation gap
Children of immigrants normally adopt more of the new culture as they are exposed to it more thus a gap is made between the children and their parents.
people may keep their culture but adopt curtain aspects of the new culture such as food, language and customs.
Cultural diversity
- a set of many cultural norms that collide together within a society
a generalisation of attributes which a certain group has. Stereotypes have allowed us to escape from danger
mental representations of categories
fear of an entire culture
fear of strangers from other cultures
Cultural insensitivity
when people offend others from another culture without knowing their customs and thus could be viewed as rude.
fear of someone from a certain race or religion
Implicit racism
unconscious form of racism occurs when people use unconscious biases
Explicit racism
concious form of racism
ways to help understand other groups
- Sustained contact interacting with people for a long period of time
- Intergroup contact interacting with a specific group helps us to gain understanding
- Superordinate group some goals are so large we must collaborate with others which help us to gain an understanding
- Mutual Interdependence when people depend on another group for survival and thus interact
- Equality people must interact with no power difference and must be on equal grounds