Chapter 18 Flashcards
Presence of virus in the blood
Presence of fungi in the blood
Presence of bacteria in the blood
Bacteria growing and flourishing in the blood
Cascading immune responses to septicemia, resulting in decreased blood pressure
Septic shock
Is there normal biota in the cardiovascular and
lymphatic system
No it is a sterile environment
Malaria is caused by members of the _______
Malaria is transmitted through
During a malaria inffectiom, Blood vessels in the brain can become obstructed with RBCs which causes a decrease in oxygen flow leading to a coma or death. This is known as:
Cerebral Malaria
The two types of cells most affected by malaria are:
Red blood cells and liver cells
This form of the plasmodium parasite enters the blood from the bite of an infected mosquito and invade cells of the liver
This form of the plasmodium parasite targets red blood cells
The cell most commonly infected with the HIV
virus is
CD4 T Helper cells
Opportunistic infections that begin as a result of a
depleting immune when infected with the HIV virus
AIDS-defining illnesses
People are diagnosed with AIDS if they fulfill any one
of the following:
- Have a helper T cell count below 200 cells per
micro-liter of blood. - Their helper T cells account for
fewer than 14% of all lymphocytes - They experience one or more of the AIDS defining
An inflammation of the endocardium.
Abnormal heartbeat, anemia, heart attack,
petechaie, red spots on palms and soles (Janeway
lesions), small painful nodes of fingers and toes
(Osler’s nodes)are all signs/symptoms of
What are two ways that endocarditis can kill?
Bacteria can colonize the valves and hamper their function leading to heart attacks or death. Also pieces of bacteria vegetation can break off and lead to blockage
Most often the result of an overwhelming
bloodstream challenge with bacteria.
Acute Endocarditis
Almost always are preceded by some form of
damage to heart valves.
Subacute Endocarditis
Causative Agent: Yersinia pestis
The Plague
Bubonic plague causes inflammation and necrosis
of the node, resulting in a lesion called a _____.
In Septicemic plague bacteria present in the blood
results in subcutaneous hemorrhaging called a
The Plague is commonly transmitted by
Causative Agent of Lymes disease is:
Borrelia burgdorferi
Signs/Symptoms of Lymes Disease are
Bulls eye rash initially.
If not treated can result in facial palsy and crippling
Causative agent of Infectious Mononucleosis
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
Fatigue, enlarged spleen, Sore throat, high fever,
and cervical lymphadenopathy are all
signs/symptoms of
Infectious Mononucleosis
This age group is the only one to show the signs/symptoms of a Mono infection when infected with EBV
Causative Agent: Bacillus anthracis
What three Virulence Factors does Bacillus
anthracis have?
- Three exotoxins that cause massive inflammation
and shock - A capsule
- Hemolysins
What are the three types of anthrax?
Cutaneous anthrax, Intestinal anthrax, and
Pulmonary anthrax