Chapter 17- Lipids Flashcards
A non petroleum fuel that can be used in place of diesel fuel; produced from renewable biological resources
A glycerphospholipid found in brain and nerve tissues that incorporates the amino alcohol serine or ethanolamine
A lipid in which spingosine is attached to a fatty acid by an Amide link
A glycolipid consisting of sphingosine, a fatty acid, and a monosaccharide ( usually galactose)
The most prevalent of the steroid compounds; needed for cellular membranes and the synthesis of vitamin d, hormones, and bile salts
A triacyglycerol that is solid at room temperature and usually comes from animal sources
Fatty acid
A long- chain carboxylic acid found in many lipids
Fluid mosaic model
That concept that cell membranes are lipid belayer structures that contain an assortment of polar lipids and proteins in a dynamic, fluid arrangement
A glycolipid consisting of spinghosine, a fatty acid, and two or. Ore monosaccharides
A polar lipid of glycerol attached to two fatty acids and a phosphate group connected to an amino alcohol such as choline, serine, or ethanolamine
The phospholipid that combines spinghosine with a fatty acid bonded to the nitrogen group and one or more monosaccharides bonded by a glycosidic bond, which replaces the -OH group of spinghosine
The addition of hydrogen to unsaturated fats
Glycerophospholipids containing choline as the amino alcohol
Lipid belayer
A model of a cell membrane in which glycerophospholipids are arranged in two rows
A family of compounds that is no polar in nature and not soluble in water; includes fats , waxes, glycerophospholipids, and wax steroids
A combination of no polar lipids with glycerophospholipids and proteins to form a polar complex that can be transported through body fluids
Monounsaturated fatty acid
A fatty acid with one double bond
A triacyglycerol that is usually a liquid at room temperature and is obtained from a plant source
Polyunsaturated fatty acid
A fatty avid that contains two or more double bonds
Prostaglandins (PGs)
A number of compounds derived from arachnid omit acid that regulate several physiological processes
Saturated fatty acids
Fatty acids that have no double bonds; they have higher melting points that unsaturated fatty acids and are usually solid at room temperature
Types of lipids in which glycerol is replaced by sphingosine
Sphingolipids that consist of Ceramide attached to a phosphate ester of choline, an amino alcohol
Types of lipids composed of a multicyclic ring system
A family of lipids composed of three fatty acids bonded through ester bonds to glycerol, a trihydroxy alcohol
The ester of a long-chain alcohol and a long-chain saturated fatty acid