Chapter 14- Aldehydes, Ketones, And Chiral Molecules Flashcards
The product of the addition of two alcohols to an aldehyde or ketones
Molecules with mirror images that are superimposable
An organic compound with the carbonyl functional group and at least one hydrogen attached to the carbon in the carbonyl grou
Benedict’s test
A test for aldehydes with adjacent hydroxyl groups in which Cu2+ ions in Benedict’s reagent are reduced to a brick-red solid of Cu2O
Objects or molecules that have nonsuperimposable mirror images
Chiral carbon
A carbon atom that is bonded to four different atoms or groups
Stereoisomers that are mirror images that cannot me superimposed
Fischer projections
A system for drawing stereoisomers; carbon atoms are shown at intersections of horizontal lines for bonds projecting forward and vertical lines for bonds projecting backward. The most highly oxidized carbon is at the top
The product of the addition of one alcohol to the double bond of the carbonyl group in aldehydes and ketones
An organic compound in which the carbonyl group is bonded to two alkyl or aromatic groups
A decrease in the number of carbon - oxygen bonds by the addition of hydrogen to a carbonyl bond. Aldehydes are reduces to primary alcohols; ketones to secondary alcohols
Isomers that have atoms bonded in the same order but with different arrangements in space
Tollen’s test
A test for aldehydes in which Ag+ in Tollen’ss reagent is reduced to metallic silver, which forms a “silver mirror” on the walls of the container
Naming aldehydes
1- name the longest carbon chain by replacing e with al
2- name and number substituents by counting from the carbonyl group
Naming ketones
1- name the longest carbon chain containing the carbonyl group by replacing the e in the corresponding alkane name with one
2- number the main chain starting from the end nearer the carbonyl group
3- name and number any substituents on the carbon chain
4- for cyclic ketones, the prefix cyclo is used in front of the ketone name