Chapter 15- Carbohydrates Flashcards
A monosaccharide that contains an aldehyde group
A branched chain polymer of starch composed of glucose units joined by a-1,4 and a-1,6-glycosidic bonds
An Unbranched polymer of starch composed of glucose units joined by a-1,4-glycosidic bonds
The isomers of cyclic hemiacetals of monosaccharides that have a hydroxyl group on carbon 1 (or carbon 2). In the a Anomer, the -OH group is drawn downward; in the b Anomer, the -OH is up
A simple or complex sugar composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
An Unbranched polysaccharide composed of glucose units linked by b-1,4-glycosidic bonds that cannot be hydrolyzed by the human digestive system
A carbohydrate composed of two monosaccharides joined by a glycosidic bond
A monosaccharide, also called levulose and fruit sugar, that is found in honey and fruit juices; it is combined with glucose and sucrose
A monosaccharide that occurs combined with glucose in lactose
The most prevalent monosaccharide in the diet. An aldohexose found in fruits, vegetables, corn syrup, and honey that is also known as blood sugar and dextrose. Most polysaccharides are polymers of glucose
A polysaccharide formed in the liver and muscles for the storage of glucose as an energy reserve. It is composed of glucose in a highly branched polymer joined by a-1,4- and a-1,6- glycosidic bonds
Glycosidic bonds
A bond that forms when the hydroxyl group of one monosaccharide reacts with the hydroxyl group of another monosaccharide; it is the type of bond that links monosaccharide units in di- or polysaccharides
Hayworth structure
The cyclic structure that represent the closed chain of a monosaccharide
Iodine test
A test for amylose that firms a blue-black color after iodine is added to the sample
A monosaccharide that contains a ketone group
A disaccharide consisting of glucose and galactose found in milk and milk products
A disaccharide consisting of two glucose units; it is obtained from the hydrolysis of starch and germinating grains
A polyhydroxy compound that contains an aldehyde or a ketone group
The conversion between a and b anomers via an open chain
A polymer of many monosaccharide units, usually glucose. Polysaccharides differ in types of glycosidic bonds and the amount of branching in the polymer
Reducing sugar
A carbohydrate with an aldehyde group capable of reducing the Cu2+ in Benedict’s reagent
A disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose; a non reducing sugar, commonly called “table sugar”
Blood sugar levels exceed 140 mg/dL
Diabetes mellitus- excessive urination, increased appetite, weight loss
Lower than 70 mg/dL
Dizziness, general weakness, muscle tremors