Chapter 14 Ear Flashcards
what is the auricle and its function?
our folds of the ear “earlobe”
gathers sound waves
what is the function of the external ear?
transmits sound waves to middle ear
what is the function of the middle ear?
transmits sound waves to inner ear
what is the function of the inner ear?
contains sensory receptors for hearing and equilibrium
ot/o - ear
study of the ear
audi/o = hearing -logy = study of
study of hearing disorders
what are the two things the ear is responsible for?
hearing and equalibrium
what nerve is responsible for passing information regarding equilibrium?
what are two other names for the external ear?
auricle or pinna
what is the term for earwax?
what is cerumen produced by>
oil lands in auditory canal
what are the ossicles of the middle ear and what do they allow for?
malleus, incus, and stapes
provide amplification
what does the stapes connect to in order to transmit vibrations to inner ear?
oval window
what is the bony labyrinth?
cavity within temporal bone for inner ear structures
what is the role of the eustachian tube and what structures does it connect?
equalize pressure between middle ear and atmospheric pressure
connect nasopharynx with middle ear
what do the structures utricle and saccule found within the inner ear perceive?
head tilt and linear acceleration
what do the semicircular canals perceive?
angular or rotational acceleration
after the stapes transmits vibrations to the oval window, the oval window initiates what?
vibrations in fluid that fills the cochlea, bending and activating small hairs which stimulates nerve endings
what structure is responsible for processing sound?
define the purpose of the falling test, and how it is performed
assesses equilibrium
balancing on one foot with eyes open and then closed
jerky involuntary eye movements
audi/o = hearing
-logy = study of
specialty involved with hearing function or hearing loss
ot/o = ear rhin/o = nose laryng/o = larynx -logy = study of
(ENT: ears, nose and throat)
conductive hearing loss
disease or deformity of outer or middle ear
all sound is weaker and muffled
sensorineural hearing loss
damage or deformity of inner ear (cochlea) or Vestibulocochlear nerve
residual hearing
amount of hearing remaining after damage has occured
ringing in ears
otitis externa OE
external ear infections often by fungus
aka: otomycosis or swimmer’s ear
ot/o = ear -sclerosis = hardening
loss of mobility of stapes bone; leads to hearing loss as it cannot vibrate
ot/o = ear -scope = instrument to visually examine
instrument to visually examine inside ear canal
otitis media OM
infection of middle ear; mostly seen in children watery fluid (serous otitis media) or puss (purulent otitis media) accumulates in middle ear canal
tympan/o = tympanic membrane -metry = process of measuring
measurement of movement of tympanic membrane to asses pressure inside middle ear
acoustic neuroma
acous/o = hearing -tic = pertaining to neur/o = nerve -oma = tumor
benign tumor of cochlear nerve
symptoms include tinnitus, headache, dizziness and hearing loss
define cochlear implant and what kind of hearing loss it helps treat?
mechanical device surgically placed behind outer ear
converts sound into magnetic impulses to stimulate auditory nerve
treats sensorineural hearing loss
define parenteral
invasive method of administering drugs which requires skin to be punctured
define intracavitary
intra- = within
into body cavity such as peritoneal or chest cavity
intradermal ID
intra- = within
under epidermis
very shallow injection
Intramuscular IM
directly into muscle of the buttocks, thigh, or upper arm
intra- = within thec/o = sheath (meninges)
into meningeal space surrounding the brain and spinal cord
Intravenous IV
into veins
delivers medication very quickly or by continuous drip
Subcutaneous (Subc, Subq)
into subcutaneous layer of skin
usually upper outer arm or abdomen
allows x-rays to pass through (the black within an x-ray)
does not allow X-rays to pass through (the White within an x-ray)
positron emission tomography PET
image is produced following injection of radioactive glucose
glucose accumulates in areas of high metabolic activity such as brain or a tumor
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow
tympanic membrane
auditory tube