Chapter 14/15: Psychological Disorders and Treatments Flashcards
diathesis-stress model
a person may be predisposed to a psychological disorder that remains unexpressed until triggered by stress
- diathesis -> internal predisposition
- stress -> external trigger
a form of treatments where a trained professional employs psychological techniques
types of psychotherapy
- insight therapy
- behavior therapy
- eclectic psychotherapy
insight therapy
helps person understand causes of behavior
behavior therapy
disordered behavior that is learned and focuses on turning maladaptive behavior into constructive behaviors
psychodynamic therapy
explores childhood events to develop insight and catharsis for problem
allow individuals to bring repressed conflicts into consciousness
free association
person talks about whatever comes to mind
identifying avoidance topics
feelings that the person would develop towards analyst
person-centered therapy
assumes individuals have tendency towards growth which can be facilitated by acceptance from therapist
traits of person-centered therapy
- congruence
- empathy
- unconditional positive regard
openness and honesty
unconditional positive regard
nonjudgmental, warm, and accepting environment
types of behavior therapies
classical conditioning, operant conditioning
classical conditioning
aims to counter condition behavior
- systematic desensitization
- aversion therapy
operant conditioning
uses punishments and rewards to change behavior
- token economies
- flooding
- social learning
cognitive therapies
focus on helping client identify and correct distorted thinking about self, others, or the world around them
reconstructive memory
client’s motivation to get well causes error in memory for the original symptoms
Iatrogenic illness
a disorder/symptom that occurs because of a medical or psychotherapeutic treatment itself
Lewinsohn’s reinforcement theory
a behavioral explanation of depression which believes that a failure to elicit reinforcement from social world causes depression
learned helplessness model
a cognitive explanation of depression which believes individuals who are prone to depression automatically attribute negative experiences to causes that are internal, stable, and global
- Seligman and Abramson
What is the best treatment for depression?
cognitive therapy
Beck’s cognitive triad
a cognitive explanation of depression which believes individual that are depressed have negative views about the world, future, and themselves
panic disorder
sudden occurrence of multiple psychological and physiological symptoms that contribute to a feeling of stark terror
specific phobia
an irrational fear of a particular object or situation that interferes with an individual’s ability to function
social phobia
an irrational fear of being publicly humiliated or embarrassed
afraid of going out in public because they are worried about having a panic attack