Chapter 1: The Evolution of Psychological Science Flashcards
try to understand the structure of the human mind
Who was Wilhelm Wundt?
the father of psychology and a structualist
reflecting on your experiences
Who was Edward Tichener?
a student at Wundt’s lab and a structuralist
the study of the function of the mind
Who was William James?
Father of American psychology and a functionalist
used introspection to learn about the function of the mind
a loss of function that has no obvious physical origin
the part of the mind that contains information of which people are not aware
psychoanalysis theory
emphasizes the influence of the unconscious on feelings, thoughts, and behaviors
Sigmund Freud
founder of psychoanalysis
an approach to psychology that restricts scientific inquiry to observable behavior
principle of reinforcement
any behavior that is rewarded will be repeated and any behavior that isn’t won’t
Ivan Pavlov
noticed dogs start salivating when presented with food
pioneered the study of learning
John Broadus Watson
founder of behaviorism
Burrhus Frederick Skinner
discovered principle of reinforcement and a behaviorist
Gestalt psychology
an approach to psychology that emphasized the way in which the mind creates perceptual experience
Sir Frederic Bartlett
studied how biases affect our memory
discovered that people often remember what they expect rather than what actually happened
Developmental psychology
the study of the ways in which psychological phenomena change over the life span
Max Wertheimer
founder of Gestalt psychology and studied how people perceived motion
Jean Piaget
studied mind of children and examined their mistakes
social psychology
the study of causes and consequences of sociality
Kurt Lewin
father of social psychology
Solomon Asch
discovered that listing out good traits gave people a better impression of the person they were describing
cognitive psychology
the study of human information processing
evolutionary psychology
the study of ways in which the human mind has been shaped by natural selection
John Garcia
studied how rats react to radiation sickness
Cognitive neuroscience
the study of the relationship between the brain and the mind
Behavioral neuroscience
the study of the relationship between the brain and the behavior
cultural psychology
the study of how culture influences mental life
inherited solutions that have been naturally selected because they contribute to reproductive success
Kenneth and Mamie Clark
studied racial biases
doll research