Chapter 13 Flashcards
What happened between the Terror & Napoleon?
The Directory
What was the Directory?
Next rev gov after the national Convention & Terror
Timeline of all French rev governments
National Constituent Assembly 1789-91- building of const
Legislative Assembly 1791-92 - const monarchy
National Convention 1792-95 - republic gov, CPS, Terror
The Directory 7195-99
What led to the establishment of the Directory?
Thermidorian Reaction (dismantling of the Terror)
Causes violence & attempts to overthrow Convention from left & right
Leads to Const of year III (1795) establishing Directory
How was the Terror dismantled?
Through the Thermidorian Reaction
What was the Thermidorian Reaction?
Rev tribunal abolished May 1795
Law of 22 Prarial repealed & those held under it released from prison
Power of CPS & CGS curbed (to avoid another R)
Jacobin (v/ radical) club closed
Paris Commune abolished - Paris back under central/gov control
Why were there attempts to overthrow the Convention from the left?
Dire economic outlook remained - unemployment & famine in Paris
Angry, desperate people
What was the rising of Germinal?
Leftist reaction
April 1795
10,000 Parisians march to Convention
Demand bread
Peacefully dispersed
What was the rising of Prarial?
Leftist reaction
May 1795
20,000 National Guards surround Convention
Demand price controls
No-one prepared to open fire, Convention regains control
Why had the sans-culottes prominence decreased by 1795?
Divided: no-longer had full supp of National Guard (aft rising of Prarial) or Paris Commune (abolished in Thermidorian Reaction) to co-ordinate activities
What was the extent of attempts to overthrow the Convention from the right? (4)
The White Terror
veronal Declaration (Louis XIV’s brother)
Rising of Vedemiaire
What was the White Terror?
Rightist reaction
Vengeance in Federal cities & vendee
Those who profited from rev slaughtered: biens nationaux, Jacobin supps
What was the royalist reaction to the Convention by 1795?
Rightist reaction
Jeunesse dore & muscadins youth groups intimidated & murdered sans-culottes
What was the Verona Declaration?
Rightist reaction
June 1795
Louis XVI’s brother statement of intent to restore monarchy as ‘heir’ to throne
What was the rising of Vedemiaire?
October 1795
25,000 march on Convention supposedly in supp of royalism
Demanded monarchy restoration
Defeated by Bonaparte
300 killed
What was the Const of year III (1795)
New government: the Directory
Hopes: stable, liberal gov, preserving gains of the rev & principles
Power vacuum after Robespierre
What was the 1st aim of the Const of year III?
Avoid extremism of leftists (Jacobins & sans-culottes):
Little voice to poor
Prevent groups exerting too much power
Stop factionalism, all wort towards common good
What was the 2nd aim of the Const of year III?
Avoid threat of royalist restoration (right extremism):
2/3rds of deputies in first Councils chosen from existing Convention members
5 original Directors had voted for king’s death (regicides)
Describe the Directory gov principles and how it affected it’s structure?
Rev principles
Democratic gov - separation of powers, annual elections, 1 director steps down annually to prevent dictator
Moderate gov - weakening of Jacobin & royalist influences
What was the structure of the Directory government?
Men over 21 (no active citizens atm) vote for electors
Annual election of 1/3 electors to 2 councils
Legislative = Council of Ancients & Council of 500
Executive = 5 Directors, elected by Ancients
How was one able to qualify to become an Elector?
Men to pay taxes equivalent to 150-200 days’ labour
Restricted role to the very rich (30,000/3 million eligible)
How were members of the Legislative prevented from holding power for too long?
3rd retired annually
3rd of electors elected to 2 councils annually
What was the Council of Ancients?
250 men over 40
Pass or veto legislation, couldn’t change it
Chose the 5 Directors from Council of 500
What was the Council of 500
500 Deputies over 30
To propose new laws
Electorates for the 5 Directors
What were the 5 Directors?
Chosen by Ancients from 500
Hold office for 5 years, 1 member drops out annually
Appoint gov ministers not on Ancient or 500
Couldn’t veto legislation, no control of treasury
In charge of diplomacy, military affairs, law enforcement
What did the 1795 Paris risings consist of?
Rising of germinal (April)
Rising of Prairial (May)
Rising of Vendemiaire (October)
What caused the 1795 Paris risings?
‘Bourgeois’ Thermidorians:
Ended price controls (maximum)
Restored paper currency (assignats)
Proved disastrous, esp when paired with 1794 poor harvest & freezing winter
Inflation, factories closed
Starvation, froze to death, suicide
What was the rising of germinal?
Part of 1795 Paris risings
April 1795
Sans-culottes wanted power back
10,000 invaded Convention
Demanded bread & const of 1793
Unarmed & unorganised
Escorted out peacefully
Leaders arrested
Paris put under martial law
What was the rising of Prarial?
Part of 1795 Paris risings
May 1795
Larger no of sans-culottes, women & armed men than Germinal
Invaded Convention
Demanded release of Jacobins, const of 1793, better food supply
Convention agreed to est a food commission
Troops drive them out 20,000 against 40,000 guards, no shots fired
What was the rising of Vendemiaire?
Part of 1795 Paris risings
October 1795
Royalist uprising
Led by Muscadins, factory & property owners
Hated republican gov as didn’t protect their interests
25,000 march on Convention
Napoleon in charge of gov troops, fires 40 cannons into Royalists
1 v 6, royalists v Republicans
Who were the Muscadins & Jeunesse doree?
Youth groups intimidated & murdered sans-culottes
Well-off, young bourgeois men
Fought w/ ex Jacobins
Wearers of bonnet rouge
Own song