Chapter 12 Flashcards
what is the role of appendicular skeleton muscles
to move upper and lower limbs and stabilize the pectoral and pelvic girdle
how are appendicular muscles organized
- based on the location in the body
- the part of the skeleton they move
what are the organized groups of the muscles of the upper extremities
- muscles that move the pectoral girdle
- muscles that move the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint/arm
- muscles of the arm and forearm that move the elbow joint/forearm
- muscles of the forearm that move the wrist joint, hand, and fingers
what are the two parts of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle
the anterior and posterior muscles
what is the function of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle
stabilize the scapula during activities of the upper limb
anterior muscles of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle
- pectoralis minor
- serratus anterior
- subclavius
posterior muscles of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle
- trapezius
- levator scapulae
- rhomboid minor
- rhomboid major
pectoralis minor origin and insertion
o: ribs 3-5
i: coracoid process
innervation of pectoralis minor
pectoral nerve
actions of pectoralis minor
actions: moves scapula forward (protraction), depress scapula
serratus anterior origin and insertion
o: ribs 1-8
i: anterior medial border of scapula
what is the serratus anterior innervated by
long thoracic nerve
actions of the serratus anterior
- agonist of protraction of pectoral girdle/scapula
- superiorly rotates scapula
- stabilizes scapula
what is the “boxer’s muscle”
the serratus anterior
subclavius origin and insertion
o: rib 1
i: interior border of clavicle
what is the subclavius innervated by
nerve of subclavius
actions of the subclavius
depression of clavicle, stabilize clavicle
trapezius origin and insertion
o: superior nuchal line
i: clavicle, acromion process + spine of scapula
what is the trapezius innervated by
accessory nerve
actions of the trapezius
- superior fibers: elevate + superiorly rotate scapula
- middle fibers: retract scapula
- inferior fibers: depresses scapula
levator scapulae origin and insertion
o: transverse process of C1-C4
i: superior part of medial border of scapula
what is the levator scapulae innervated by
dorsal scapular nerve
actions of the levator scpulae
elevation of the scapula, inferiorly rotate scapula
rhomboid minor origin and insertion
o: spinous process of C7-T1
i: medial border of scapula superior to the spine of scapula
what is the rhomboid minor innvervated by
dorsal scapular nerve
actions of the rhomboid minor
elevates + retracts scapula, inferiorly rotates scapula
rhomboid major origin and insertion
o: spinous process of T2-T5
i: medial border of scpula from spine to inferior angle
what is the rhomboid major innervated by
dorsal scapular nerve
actions of the rhomboid major
elevates and retracts scapula, inferiorly rotates scapula
where are the origins of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle all located
on the axial skeleton
where are the insertion points of the muscle that move the pectoral girdle located
on the pectoral girdle or the scapula
what are types of movements that activate multiple muscles of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle
shoulder shrugs
how many muscles are involved in moving the glenohumeral joint
11 muscles
what are the muscles that have origins on the axial skeleton
- latissimus dorsi
- pectoralis major
latissimus dorsi origin and insertion
o: dont need to know
i: bicipital gorrve
what is the latissimus dorsi innervated by
thoracodorsal nerve
actions of the latissimus dorsi
extension or hyperextension of arm, medial rotation, adduction
pectoralis major origin and insertion
o: sternal end of the clavicle, body of sternum, and some ribs
i: bicipital groove
what is the pectoralis major innervated by
lateral pectoral and medial pectoral nerves
actions of the pectoralis major
flexion of the arm, medial rotation, and adduction
what muscles of the glenohumeral joint have origin on the scapula
- deltoid
- coracobrachialis
- teres major
- triceps brachii
- biceps brachii
- rotator cuff muscles
what is known as the swimming muscle
latissimus dorsi
what are the rotator cuff muscles
- subscapularis
- supraspinatus
- infraspinatus
- teres minor
deltoid origin and insertion
o: acromial end of clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
i: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
what is the deltoid innervated by
axillary nerve
actions of the deltoid
adducts and flexes arm
o: coracoid process of scapula
i: middle medial shaft of humerus
what is the coracobrachialis innervated by
musculocutaneous nerve
actions of the coracobrachialis
adducts and is a weak flexor of the arm
teres major origin and insertion
o: inferior lateral border and inferior angle of scapula
i: lesser tubercle and intertubercular groove of humerus
what is the teres major innervated by
lower subscapular nerve
actions of the teres major
extends adducts and medially rotates arm
triceps brachii origin and insertion
o: infra glenoid tubercle of scapula
i: olecranon process
what is the triceps brachii innervated by
radial nerve
actions of tricep brachii
extends and long head adducts and extends arm
biceps brachii origin and insertion
o: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
i: radial tuberosity + bicipital aponeurosis
what is the biceps brachii innervated by
musculocutaneous nerve
actions of the biceps brachii
flexes the forearm, powerful supinator, long head flexes