Chapter 12 Flashcards
What is cytokinesis?
Cytoplasm of the cell divides into two distinct daughter cells
General def of mitosis
Production of somatic cells ; daughter cells are genetically identical to parent cell
General def of meiosis
Production of gametes(egg and sperm) ; daughter cells have half the amount of genetic material as parent cell.
Structure consisting of DNA and associated proteins that carries and transmits genetic information ; unreplicated=single DNA strand, replicated=2 sister chromatids
Interphase G1
Cell grows ; cellular metabolic activity is high ; organelles are duplicated
Interphase S
DNA duplicates
Interphase G2
Ensures errors have not been made during DNA replication ; final prep for cell division ; beginning organization of spindle
What happens if too many errors have been made?
Guardian proteins are then responsible for preventing the cell cycle from moving forward until the error is corrected
G0 checkpoint
Cell cycle arrest
G1 checkpoint
Cellular contents, excluding the chromosomes, are duplicated
S checkpoint
Each of 46 chromosomes are duplicated by cell
G2 checkpoint
Cell “double checks” the duplicated chromosomes for error, making any needed repairs
Phases of mitosis
Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
Maturation-promoting factor ; cyclin-cdk complex that triggers a cell to move past the G2 checkpoint into M phase
What do growth factors do?
Stimulate other cells to divide
Platelet-derived growth factor ; made by platelets and is required for division of cultured fibroblasts
Anchorage dependence
To divide they must be attached to a substratum ; require a surface
Density-dependent inhibition
Crowded cells will stop dividing ; cells for, a single layer ; cells divide to fill a gap and then stop
Two types of cancer cell defects
Makes proteins required for cell growth active active when they shouldn’t be ; prevents tumor suppressor genes from shutting down the cell type
Travel to other parts of the body to form a new tumor