Chapter 11 test Flashcards
Admitted as a slave state in 1845, thereby renewing the Congressional debate over the expansion of slavery
The doctrine of popular sovereignty argued that
Citizens of new territories could decide the slavery issue
Free Soil Party
Formed in 1848 by antislavery Democrats and Whigs to halt the expansion of slavery into the territories
The Democrats lost the 1848 presidential election because
The Free Soil Party divided the Democratic vote
Henry Clay
Congressmen who proposed the Compromise of 1850
The three following things were reactions to Clay’s compromise
- Many northern members of Congress denied that the Constitution protected slavery
- John C. Calhoun warned that civil war would result if the North didn’t permit slavery to exist
- President Zachary Taylor opposed Clay’s compromise
Admitted as a free state as a part of the Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Act
Strengthened antislavery sentiment in the North due to strict enforcement
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Repealed the Missouri Compromise and replaced it with the doctrine of popular sovereignty in newly organized territories
As a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Some antislavery forces reacted by helping antislavery families move to Kansas
Territory that elected two governments- one proslavery and one antislavery- during the mid 1850s
The Republican Party was formed by
Antislavery Whigs and Democrats, plus Free -Soldiers
Dred Scott Decision
Ruled that slavery could not be banned in territories
The Dred Scott decision led abolitionists to
Fear that slavery would expand into the territories
Freeport Doctrine
Maintained that people in a territory could exclude slavery by refusing to pass the laws necessary to support slavery
The following three things resulted from the Lincoln Douglas debates
- Douglas lost support amount southern slaveholders
- Douglas won the race for U.S. Senate
- The debates hurt Douglas’s chances of ever becoming president
John Brown
Abolitionist who led a raid on Haper’s Ferry
Reactions John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
- Abolitionist hailed Brown a hero
- Many southern whites thought Brown’s sentence was justified
- Southern secessionists thought the hysteria helped their cause
The first to secede from the Union was
South Carolina