Chapter 11 Special Senses The Eyes and Ears Medical Terms Flashcards
a brain tumor that develops adjacent to the cranial nerve running from the brain to the inner ear
acoustic neuroma
dimness of vision or partial loss of sight, especially in one eye, without detectable disease of the eye
any error of refraction in which images do not focus properly on the retina
a condition in which the pupils are unequal in size
the loss of absence of mobility in a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure
a device that transmits, processes, or amplifies sounds, and can be used with or without a hearing aid
assistive listening device
a condition in which the eye does not focus properly because of uneven curvatures of the cornea
the measurement of the ability to hear and understand speech sounds based on their pitch and loudness
audiological evaluation (speech audiometry)
the use of an audiometer to measure hearing acuity
pressure-related ear condition
involves both ears
binaural testing
the inability to see
the loss of transparency of the lens of the eye
a nodule or cyst, usually on the upper eyelid caused by obstruction of a sebaceous gland
destructive epidermal cyst in the middle ear made up of epithelial cells and cholesterol
cholesteatoma (pearly tumor)
a type of glaucoma in which the opening between the cornea and iris narrows so that fluid cannot reach the trabecular meshwork
closed-angle glaucoma (acute glaucoma)
an electronic device that bypasses the damaged portions of the ear and directly stimulates the auditory nerve
cochlear implant
a hearing loss in which sound waves are prevented from passing from the air to the fluid-filled inner ear
conductive hearing loss
inflammation of the conjunctiva, usually caused by an infection or allergy
conjunctivitis (pink eye)
an injury, such as a scratch or irritation to the outer layers of the cornea
corneal abrasion
the surgical replacement of a scarred or diseased cornea with clear corneal tissue from a donor
corneal transplant (keratoplasty)
a pitting of the cornea caused by an infection or injury
corneal ulcer
an exam of how the two eyes work together, used to assess binocular vision
cover test
an inflammation of the lacrimal gland that can be caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection
the complete or partial loss of the ability to hear
commonly used as the measurement of the loudness of sound
damage to the retina as a complication of uncontrolled diabetes
diabetic retinopathy
the perception of two images on a single object
diplopia (double vision)
tiny ventilating tubes placed through the eardrum to provide ongoing drainage for fluids and to relieve pressure that can buildup after childhood ear infections
ear tubes (tympanoplasty tubes)
the eversion of the edge of an eyelid
the inversion of the edge of an eyelid
strabismus characterized by an inward deviation of one or both eyes
esotropia (cross-eyes)
strabismus characterized by the outward deviation of one eye relative to the other
exotropia (walleye)
a surgical procedure in which a new opening is created in the labyrinth to restore lost hearing
particles of cellular debris that float in the vitreous fluid and cast shadows on the retina
floaters (vitreous floaters)
a radiographic study of the blood vessels in the retina of the eye following intravenous injection of a fluorescein dye as a contrast medium
fluorescein angiography
the application of a fluorescent dye to the surface of the eye via drops or a strip applicator
fluorescein straining
a group of diseases characterized by increased intraocular pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve and retinal nerve fibers
an electronic device that is worn to correct a hearing loss
hearing aid
blindness in one half of the visual field
a measure of sound frequency that determines how high or low a pitch is
a pus filled lesion on the eyelid resulting from an infection in a sebaceous gland
hordeolum (stye)
a vision defect in which light rays focus beyond the retina; also known as farsightedness
hyperopia (farsightedness)
an accumulation of earwax that forms a solid mass by adhering to the walls of the external auditory canal
impacted cerumen
a contagious inflammation that causes painful blisters on the eardrum
infectious myringitis
a surgically implanted replacement for a natural lens that has been removed
intraocular lens
the surgical removal of a portion of the tissue of the iris
inflammation of the uvea primarily affecting structures in the front of the eye
inflammation of the cornea
the surgical removal of all or a portion of the labyrinth
inflammation of the labyrinth that can result in vertigo and deafness
uses a focused beam of light to create a hole in the iris of the eye
laser iridotomy
treatment of open-angle glaucoma be creating openings in the trabecular meshwork to allow fluid to drain properly
laser trabeculoplasty
treatment of vision conditions that are caused by the shape of the cornea
LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis)
the surgical removal of a cataract-clouded lens
a gradually progressive condition in which the macula at the center of the retina is damaged, resulting in the loss of central vision
macular degeneration
the surgical removal of mastoid cells
inflammation of any part of the mastoid bone cells
a rare chronic disorder in which the amount of fluid in the inner ear increases intermittently, causing vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, and tinnitus
Meniere’s disease
the contraction of the pupil
involves one ear
monoaural testing
the inability to distinguish colors in a normal manner
monochromatism (color blindness)
the dilation of the pupil
medication placed into the eyes to produce temporary paralysis forcing the pupils to remain wide open in the presence of bright light
mydriatic drops
a defect in which light rays focus in front of the retina; also known as nearsightedness
myopia (nearsightedness)
a small surgical incision in the eardrum to relieve pressure from excess pus or fluid, or to create an opening for the placement of ear tubes
nerve deafness caused by repeated exposure to extremely loud noises
noise-induced hearing loss
a condition in which an individual with normal daytime vision has difficulty seeing at night
nyctalopia (night blindness)
an involuntary, constant, rhythmic movement of the eyeball
a replacement for an eyeball that is either congenitally missing or has been surgically removed
ocular prosthesis (artificial eye)
the most common form of glaucoma
open-angle glaucoma (chronic glaucoma)
an instrument used to examine the interior of the eye
the visual examination of the fundus of the eye with ophthalmoscope
ophthalmoscopy (funduscopy)
a surgical incision into the orbit
pain in the ear
otalgia (earache)
inflammation of the ear
inflammation of the middle ear
otitis media
a fungal infection of the external auditory canal
otomycosis (swimmer’s ear)
the surgical repair, restoration or alteration of the pinna of the ear
otoplasty (ear pinning)
the flow of pus from the ear
bleeding from the ear
any discharge from the ear
ankylosing of the bones of the middle ear resulting in a conductive hearing loss
an instrument used to visually examine the external ear canal and tympanic membrane
swelling and inflammation of the optic nerve at the point of entrance into the eye through the optic disk
papilledema (choked disk)
swelling of the tissues surrounding the eye or eyes
periorbital edema
an abbreviation meaning pupils are equal, round, responsive to light and accommodation
the use of ultrasonic vibration to shatter and remove the lens clouded by a cataract
the use of lasers to treat some forms of wet macular degeneration by sealing leaking or damaged blood vessels
excessive sensitivity to light
presence of what appear to be flashes of light
a gradual sensorineural hearing loss that occur as the body ages
condition of common changes in the eyes that occur with aging
drooping of the upper eyelid that is usually due to paralysis
a surgical procedure to treat myopia
radial keratotomy
an examination procedure to determine an eye’s refractive error so that the best corrective lenses can be prescribed
a focusing problem caused by the lens and cornea do not bend light so that it focuses properly on the retina
refractive disorder
the separation of all of the light sensitive retina from the choroid
retinal detachment (detached retina)
the separation of some of the light-sensitive retina from the choroid
retinal tear
a progressive degeneration of the retina that affects night and peripheral vision
retinitis pigmentosa
a class of chemical compounds derived from vitamin A that are used in skin care and treatment
any disease of the retina
treatment to reattach the detached area in a retinal detachment
a silicone band or sponge used to repair a detached retina
scleral buckle
inflammation of the sclera of the eye
an abnormal area of diminished vision surrounded by an area of normal vision
scotoma (blind spot)
hearing loss that develops when the auditory nerve or hair cells in the inner ear are damaged
sensorineural hearing loss (nerve deafness)
a diagnostic procedure in which a narrow beam of light is focused to permit the ophthalmologist to examine the structures at the front of the eye including the cornea, iris, and lens
slit-lamp ophthalmoscopy
the surgical removal of the top portion of the stapes bone and the insertion of a prosthetic device that conducts sound vibrations to the inner ear
a disorder in which the eyes point in different directions or are not aligned correctly because the eye muscles are unable to focus together
bleeding between the conjunctiva and the sclera
subconjunctival hemorrhage
the partial or complete suturing together of the upper and lower eyelids
a condition of ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound in one or both ears
the measurement of intraocular pressure
the use of air pressure in the ear canal to test for disorders of the middle ear
the surgical correction of a damaged middle ear that is performed either to cure chronic inflammation or to restore function
inflammation of the uvea causing swelling and irritation
a sense of whirling, dizziness, and the loss of balance, often combined with nausea and vomiting
a form of physical therapy designed to treat a wide variety of balance disorders
vestibular rehabilitation therapy
the ability to distinguish object details and shape at a distance
visual acuity
a diagnostic test to determine losses in peripheral vision
visual field testing (perimetry)
the removal of the vitreous humor and its replacement with a clear solution
hearing tests that use a tuning fork to distinguish between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
Weber and Rinne tests
drying of eye surfaces, including conjunctiva
xerophthalmia (dry eye)