Chapter 11: Emotions Flashcards
Three components
- Behavior
- muscular movement
- Autonomic
- Quick mobilization of energy for vigorous movement
- Hormonal
- Reinforce autonomic responses
- Secreted by adrenal medulla (Epi and NE) increase blood flow to muscles and cause nutrientes stored in muscles of be converted into glucose
- Adrenal cortex secretes steroid hormone, which also help to make glucose available to muscles
Three major regions of amygdala
Lateral Nucleus
Basal Nucleus
Central Nucleus
Lateral Nucleus
Nucleus of amygdala that receives sensory info from neocortex, thalamus, and hippocampus, and sends projection to basal, accessory basal, and central nucleus of amygdala
Basal Nucleus
Nucleus of amygdala that receives info from lateral nucleus and sends projections to ventromedial PFC and central nucleus
Central Nucleus
Region of amygdala that receives info from basal, lateral, and accessory basal nuclei and sends projections to wide variety of regions in brain
- Involved in emotional responses - Projects to hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, and medulla - Responsible for expression of various components of emotional responses - Most important part of brain for expression of emotional responses provoked stimuli - Reponsible for harmful effects of long-term stress
Conditioned Emotional Response
- Occurs when neutral stimulus is paired with emotion-producing stimulus
- Produces fear reactions
- Damage to amygdala interferes with effects of emotions on memory
Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex
Region of PFC at base of anterior frontal lobes, adjacent to midline
- Inhibits or prevents fear responses
- Outputs affect variety of behaviors and physiological responses
- Display of courage activates region of vmPFC and subgenual anterior cingulate cortex
- damage= impairment of behavioral control and decision-making
Effects of testosterone depends on context
- Testosterone increased punishment and aggression
- In response to generous offer, testosterone increased generosity
Activity of serotonergic synapses inhibits aggression
Lowest serotonin levels (5-HIAA) showed pattern of risk-taking behavior, including high levels of aggression
- Fluoxetine (Prozac), a 5-HT agonist, decreased irritability and aggressiveness, and reduced impulsiveness
Moral judgments
- Guided by emotional reactions are not simply products of rational, logical decision-making processes
- vmPFC damage= make decisions without strong emotional component and select most practical solution
[…] hemisphere plays more important role in comprehension of emotion
Right hemisphere plays more important role in comprehension of emotion
Comprehension form word meaning increased activity of […]
Prefrontal cortex bilaterally, the left hemisphere more than the right
Comprehension of emotion from tone of voice increased activity of […]
Only right PFC
Pure word deafness
Could not comprehend meaning of speech, but had no difficulty identifying emotion being expressed by its intonation
- Caused by damage to left temporal cortex
Lesions of […] impair ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion
Lesions of amygdala impair ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion
Mirror neurons play important role in control of movement
Located in ventral PFC of frontal lobe, receive input from superior temporal sulcus and posterior parietal cortex
People with […] cannot make facial expressions of emotion
People with Moebius syndrome cannot make facial expressions of emotion
- Caused by defective development of nerves involved in movement of facial muscles
Genuinely happy smiles involve contraction of muscles […]
Genuinely happy smiles involve contraction of muscles near eyes (Duchenne’s muscles)
Volitional Facial Paresis
Difficulty in moving facial muscles voluntarily
- Caused by damage to face region of primary motor cortex or its subcortical connections
Emotional Facial Paresis
Lack of movement of facial muscles in response to emotions in people who have no difficulty moving these muscles voluntarily
- Caused by damage to insular PFC, subcortical white matter of frontal lobe, or parts of thalamus
Hemisphere’s Roles in Emotion
- Right hemisphere plays a more significant role in expressing emotions
- Left facial sides make stronger expressions of emotions
- Left hemisphere lesions do not impair vocal expressions of emotion
- Amygdala is not involved in expression of facial emotions
James- Lange Theory
Theory of emotion that suggests that behaviors and physiological responses are directly elicited by situations and that feelings of emotions are produced by feedback from these behaviors and responses
(stimulus–> ANS –> conscious fear)
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
- Feedback from contraction of facial muscles can alter activity of ANS
- Particular pattern of movements of facial muscles cause changes in mood
Heredity and Aggressive Behavior
- Plays a significant role in aggressive behavior
- Aggressive behavior is more common in men
- Variety of genes associated with human aggression
- involved in 5-HT and DA signaling
Lesions in […] impair ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion
Lesions in amygdala impair ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion
Stimulationist Hypothesis
recognition of facial expressions of emotions is correlated with ability to perceive somatosensory stimuli