Chapter 11 Development Flashcards
fertilized egg with 100 cells, each become increasingly diverse. after 14 days it turns into embryo
attachment to uterus, heart beat begins, recognizable body parts, major systems form
9-40 weeks the body systems mature
virus and drugs the that can slip through and cause abnormal development of birth defects
alcohol consumption during birth
causes fetal alcohol syndrome and creates smalll misporpotional head, unusual facial features and life long brain abnormailties
Jean Piaget
cognition: all mental activities with thinking, knowing, remembering and communicating
stage 1: sensorimotor
birth- 2 years
experience through senses and moving around with it. object permanence: object continues to exists without being visible
stage 2: pre operational
2-7 years
representing things through images, words, intuative rather than logical reasoning
playing pretend
stage 3: concrete operational
7 to 11 years
logical sense of reasoning on clear and concrete rules of how the world operates
-concrete thinking
stage 4: formal operational
12 years- adulthood
can think logically about abstract propositions and hypotheticals
secure attachment
explore environment happily
in the presence of a care giver
when care giver leaves show distress
insecure attachment
cling to caregiver
less likely to explore environment
-will cry when caregiver leaves
strange situation
behavioural test by Mary Ainsworth > demonstrates a childs attachment style
Kohlbers moral development: stage 1
preconventional morality
-children avoid punishment or gain reward
stage 2: conventional morality
adolescents: social rules and laws are upheld for their own sake