Chapter 11 Flashcards
The variety of living organisms present in an area
Three types
Habitat : the amount of different habitats
Species : the amount of different species and number of different
Genetic : the collection of the different characteristics
How can frame quadrats be used three ways
- find density : this is just the number of each plant per m2 can count if large
- frequency : count the number of plants per how many squares and express as a percentage
- percentage cover : is just speed as lots data collected quickly
Abiotic factored
Non living conditions in a habitat , but still have a direct etfect
How do you measure wind intensity
Oxygen in water
Humidity sensor
Temperature probe
Dissolved oxygen probe
Why better to use probes
Rapid changes can be detected
Human error in taking a reading reduces
High degree of precision
And stored on database
What does a high biodiversity level mean on the ecosystem
1) many different successful species there
2) environment can keep up with different niches
3) complex food chain
4) a change on environment has SMALL EFFEFT ON ECOSYSTEM
What does low biodiversity level mean
1) fragile environment
2) change causes big effect to environment
3) few amount of successful species , that too with highly specialised genes
4) supports few niche
Simple food chain
What is niche
The role an organism plays on the ecosystem
Why must protect low level biodiversity ahaibt
Theee have highly specialised species that can’t survive anywhere else
What increase genetic biodiversity
What decreases genetic biodiversiry ?
1) genetic bottleneck
- where some disater causes few organisms left and reduced gene pool
2) founder effect
- few organsims leave to colonise new areas, initally have less reduced gene pool
3) natural selection
- only alleles which are advanatgeous selected, others leave
4) captive breeding
- few organisms only allowed to breed , reduced gene pool
5) genetic drift , random nature if not all alleles passing from parent to offspring
How to calculate genetic biodiversity
From gek electrophereiss, where small fragments broken from restriction enzymes attracted to positive caghod emove different distances through gel
Here if yiu have polymorphic out of total number, this is value
How three ways human worse biodiversity
1) agriculture
- monoculture
- herbicides pesticides
- removal of hedgerows
2) deforestation
3) climate change
Agriculture effect 3
- removal of hedgreows , which destroys habitas , and food souede
- pestocides herbicides kill pest and fiod source
- MONOCULTURE : only one species, alsomless food source
- reduces trees
- specifc tree
# reduce animal setroyes habirs, food snd others - forced to move to other
Climate change 4
- melting polar ice caps , mean no home
- risinf sea levels, reduce homes, also salt water
- less rain
- insect cycles chanhe , mvoe noeth and spread
Three reasons why should maintain biodiversity
- aesthetic
- economic
Two aesthetic reasons
1) insipriation for other artists who can then provide pleasure for others
2 studies show patients recover quicker from stress etc when sureounded with nature
Ecological main reason 2
Everyone is interdependent on each other for survival, remofal of one has signifcsnt effect on others , like food source or place to live. Sich as bees used by plants, decomposers etc
- keystone species , removal of one can cause a dispeopetionate amount of damage to the whole ecosystem compared to the others if they were removed , need to maintain
4 economical reasons
1) produce produced from can be used for manufacture later on such as medicine etc which could be used in future
2) high biodiversity provides protection against more abiotic factors (such as potato famine couldve been avoided to prefent famine)
3) need to maintain so soil does not become nutrient defecient due to MONOCULTURE (where nutrients not reolaced)
4) desertification may lead to end of fertile land, need this
- provides tourism and source of money
- conserve non renewbke sources by not using all at omde
Have humans made biodiversity better in any case!
Yes, such as controlled burining of certain woods, made biodiversity thrive
Two types of conservation and what even is it
Conservation = preservation and careful management of nagureal environmenr and resources
1) in vitu = in the natural habitat
- marine reserves
- land reserves
2) ex vitu = outside of nagural habitat
- seed bank
- botanic garden
- captive breeding
Advantage disadvanatge in vitu ex vitu
In vitu much more cheap, but reauired large amount of land and also relies on humans complying with ruled
Ex vitu more effective but expensive, and can cause endangerment when releasing back into the wild
In situ cinservation more advnatges
- maintains genetic
- allows interdependent links to still be held as they can still inreract
- allows evolultionary links held still
How are wildlife reserves help 3
controlled grazing (allows species to regnerwte)
- restict human access ( not allow visit olace when breeding) + remove valuable items
- feeding animals so rhey can reproduce
- CULLING FROM INVASIVE thst may compete
- preventing SUCCESSION
What is succession
- the nwturak process in which colonising species are replaced overtime by a more dominant species
- humans prevent this by positioning animals to conbat this such as deer eating seeds
How do marine conservation zones work
- dont stop fisherman from stop fihsing all together ,
- but to control this and create area where can regnerwte
- takes large sections
Ex situ botanic and seed
- species oromoted to grow in giod conditions
Seed banks
- hold generic msteiral as much as pssoible sonthwtbthey not extinct but also one day may be use of us
- cant work for all
Captive breedinf
- shelter food predator free etc
- to keep up woth genetic diversity international log kept with data and matches are made for best combi (also they dint have to travel)
- reintorduced but could be bad as cant eat, behaviour, disease, restorariin kr habitts
Rio cinvention
- CBD (conservation on bioliical diversiry ) on sustatisble development
- UNFCCC to stop greenhous gas
- UNCCD united narions convention ti combat dersteirificaiorm
Inrernational union for conservation if nature
- release red list £ regukate agreements betwene ckhnteies
- created CITES Z= Convention for international trade in endgangered spedies, regulate what traded, prevents illegal. And allows some
Importsnce of sampling
Imposibelnto emasure whoel area so gives estimate that is REPRESENTATIVE OF AREA
Equipment and what they sample for animals (5)
1) pooter
It is basically a device with a mouth and a suction chamber with a net, and you suck invertebrates and insects in
2) sweep nets
3) kick sampling
Used to sample invertebrates in the river bed by dislodging it . Here hold a net downstream for set period of time and catch any invertebrates . To do this start downstream first and dislodge bed
4) pitfall traps
Again for insects small crawling . Put a hole depp enough so it can’t escape but also not die, add leaves or something there to be humane . Ensure to cover the top so that rain water doesn’t come in. Left overnight so nocturnal can be sampled too
5) tree beating
Hold white chlorine by tree snd literally shake it to dislodge snd catch , and the study
How to sample plants (2 types)
Normally sampled using a quadrat, to pinpoint an area
Two types of quadrant
1) point quadrat
- this consists of a drama and horizontal bar , and at set intervals long pins can be pushed through the bar to reach the ground . Then you sample every time the bar touched a species - basically systematic
2) frame quadrat is a square often with intervals in between
- you can then record the type and numbers of each species inside the quadrat
To do estimation population must be random and representative
To do distribution need to do systematic samolijg
How can frame quadrat be used in three ways for estimation population
1) density
- just count hoe many you see and say it is this per metre square, and this is absolute
2) frequency
- you give a percentsge of its frequency of occurrence, use separate squares , if present 4 out of 20 squares then frequency is 20%
3) percentsge cover
- quick way to estimate how much , nit that reliable but lit just see by eye roughly how much by percent does it cover
What should you do to ensure your results decent for estimation. Population and how to actually find an answer
Need to do many different times and average, the more the more representative
Now multiply your answer by the total area of the place to get estimate
How ti estimate animal population ?
Capture mark relesde recapture
- capture many organisms as possible , mark them all
- then release , after some time come back capture again
- then see how much you have in population and use fractions ti get editmste of population
- no animal died or born since then
- none of the markings wore off
- markings did not affect chance of survival
What are abiotic factors and how do you measure them
Abitotif fsctord are the non living conditions inns habitat such as light intensity , water availability , wind speed, soil pH etc
To measure wind = anemometer Light = light meter Humidity = humidity sensor pH = pH probe Temorstruen= thermometer Oxygen in water = dissolved oxygen probe
Why good to use probes and sensors
- rapid changed can be detected
- human error in taking readings eliminated
- high degree I’m precision can be achieved
- can be stored and tracked
Advantages disadvantages of equipment ?
How to calculate biodiversity , called SPECIES DIVERSITY
Simmons index of biodiversity =
1- Sum of (the number of a specific species / thr number of total species) SQAURED
This takes in ti account both richness and evenness as a result,
Estimate population size using frame quadrat or something , and different amounts
You get either 0 to 1, 1 is the most diverse and 0 is none
Remember distribution is where the species found, absundsnce is hie much
What does a high level of biodiversity mean about the ecosystem (can obtain from Simpson ) (5 LEARN)
- a large number of successful species
- nature of the environment is not stressful
- many species live and with few specific adaptations to environment
- food webs are complex
- and an effect of a change to environment is VERY SMALL for the ecosystem as a whole
So a bad index value means?
- only few successful species
- relatively stressful environment conditions with FEW NICHES
- highly adapted to the environment
- type of food webs is simple
- a small change can lead to a big effect on ecosystem as a whole
Why must still protect low biodiviersity habitat
Even though not as species diverse, we should still protect as some species so adapted here they can’t survive anywhere else, so protecting these environments protects them which is needed for a general conservation of biodiversity , or else we will lose species that are too specialised to SURVIVE ANYWHERE ELSE
Genetic biodiversity what is it and why is it useful
This refers to the amount of alleles, different versions of the same gene, available in a population. The more there are, the more genetic biodiverse
Species that have more genetic biodiversity are more likely to be able to adapt and survive in case a certain selection pressure comes up. Thid id because they will have more alleles, and so there is a higher chance someone in the species posses the correct advantageous gene to survive, who can then pass on to next generations
What increases genetic biodiversity (2)
Need to increase number of alleles
- GENE FLOW this is when individual from one population migrated and interbreeds with population of another area, alleles are transferred between the two and so in THAT POPULATION, THE GENETIC BIODIVERSITY INCREASES
What decreases genetic biodiversity (reduction allele)
- selective breeding (reduced number of total alleles if you keep on choosing these )
- captive breeding (inky a few amount of individuals available, so reduces alleles here)
- rare breeds : when these became unfashionable so population decrease so much , try to restore you only have a few to pick from so genes decrease
- alleles not useful st the time will be lost, only useful picked, so reduction
- Where only a few members of population survive like a natural disaster, so to restore population total alleles massively have decreased
- when a small number of individuals create a new colony by geographically moving away, the start of this population will be very small in gene numbers so doing this reduces
- where random nature of alleles being passed down , over generations the occurrence of thid just dissapears as it is less and less expressed
How to caulker genetic bidovierdity
What does a polymorphic gene mean
= number if polymorphic loci / total number of loci
A polymorphic gene is a gene that has more than one allele
Most genes are MONOMORPHIC, they only have one allele and this is needed so the BASIC structure of the species is kept consistent , but the more polymorphic , the more genetically biodiverse
How to actually get these , what does loci mean
Gel electrophoresis splits fna inti fragments and measures how far they are attracted to an electrode
Based on pattern produced you can compare loci
Loci just means position, all alleles have the SAME POSITION SO LOCI ON THE CHROMOSOME
identify which ones are the same which sre different, do different /same