Chapter 10 Flashcards
The set of unique traits and begaviours that characterize the individual.
The five traits that are at the center of the five-factor model of personality?
Oppenness, Concientousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism.
Gradual development of inflexible and distorted personality and behaviouraly patterns that result in persistently maladaptive ways of perceiving, thinking about, and relating to the world.
Personality disorder.
A personality disorder is diagnosed when there is an enduring pattern of behavior or inner experience that is…?
Pervasive and inflexible, stable across time, and of long duration.
A personality disorder is diagnosed when it also cases either…?
Clinically significant distress or impairment in functioning.
A personality disorder is diagnosed when it is manifested in at least two of the following areas…?
Cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control.
Cluster A personality disorders include?
Paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders.
Cluster B personality disorders include?
Histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, and borderline personality disorder.
Cluster C personalist disorders include?
Avoidant, dependent, and obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
People with cluster A personality disorders often seem?
Off or eccentric, with unusual behaviour ranging from distrust and suspiciousness to social detachment.
People with Cluster B personality disorders often seem?
Dramatic, emotional, and erratic.
People with cluster C personality disorders often seem?
Anxious and fearful.
Attempts to establish the pattern of occurrence of certain (mental disorders) in different times, places, and groups of people.
Epidemiological studies.
Studies that are designed to establish the prevalence (number of cases) of a particular disorder in a very large sample of people living in the community are called __________ studies.
Hannah has been diagnosed with a personality disorder. She has a tendency to be dramatic, emotional, and erratic. What DSM cluster does Hannah’s pattern of behaviors fall under?
Cluster B.
Patrick’s biggest problem is that he has difficulties getting along with others. Although he shows no signs of obvious mental illness, he has longstanding problems with his sense of self and seems unable to function effectively or meet the demands of adult life. Patrick’s behavior patterns are most suggestive of a diagnosis of __________.
A personality disorder.
Which of the following best describes why the DSM-5 task force proposed removing the cluster organization of personality disorders?
There are too many overlapping features across personality disorder clusters.
Which personality cluster is the most common, with a prevalence rate of around 7 percent?
Cluster C.
What is one problem with diagnosing personality disorders?
They are not as sharply defined as they are for most other diagnostic categories, so they are often not very precise or easy to follow in practice.
What percentage of patients who qualified for one personality disorder diagnosis also qualified for at least one more?
Pervasive suspiciousness and distrust toward others (Personality disorder)
Paranoid personality disorder.
What are some of the characteristics of paranoid personality disorder?
- See themselves as blameless, blaming other for their own mistakes and failures - even to the point of ascribing evil motives to others.
- Commonly bear grudges, refuse to forgive perceived insults and sleights, and are quick to react with anger and sometime violent behaviour.
- Not usually psychotic
- During times of stress they may experience transient psychotic symptoms.
(Personality disorder) Inability to form social relationships or express feelings, and lack of interest in doing so.
Schizoid personality disorder.
What are some of the characteristics of schizoid personality disorder?
- Tend not to have good friends, with the possible exception of a few close relatives.
- Lacking social skills and classified as loners or introverts, with soliutary interest and occupations.
What is the heritability of schizoid personality disorder?
Around 55%
(Personality disorder) Disorder characterized by excessive interoversion, pervasive social interpersonal deficits, cognitive and perceptual distortions, and eccentricites in communication and behaviour.
Schizotypal personality disorder.
What are some of the characteristics of Schiztypal personality disorder?
- Oddities in thinking, speech, and other behaviors are the most stable characteristics of schizotypal personality disorder, like those with schizophrenia.
True/ False: Schizotypal personality disorder is often thought of by researchers as being an attenuated type of schizophrenia.
What is the prevelance of schizotypal personality disorder?
What is the heritability of schizotypal personality disorder and its relationship to schizophrenia?
Moderate heritability with a genetic relationship to schizphrenia.
True/False: Teenagers who have schizotypal personality disorder have not beeen shownn to be at an increased risk of developing schizophrenia spectrum disorder in adulthood.
False, they are at an increased risk.
Personality disorder overt to excessive attention seeking, emotional instability, and self dramatization.
Historionic personality disorder.
What is the prevelance of historionic personality diorder?
a little over 1%
Hisotrionic personality disorder occurs more frequently in which gender?
Personality disorder - Exaggerated sense of self importance, preoccupation with being admired, and lack of empathy for the feelings of others.
Narcisstic personality disorder.
Two different subtypes of narcissitic personality disorder - what are they?
Grandiose and vulnerable.
Grandiose narcissism is associated with what characteristics?
Grandiosity, aggression, and dominance.
Vulnerable narcissim is associated with what characteristics?
Very fragile and unstable sense of self esteeem.
True/ False: Some individuals may fluctuate between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.