Chapter 10 Flashcards
musculoskeletal system parts
muscles, bones, joints, and related structures
articulation (joint)
place of union between two or more bones
production and development of blood cells, normally in the bone marrow
connective tissue that surrounds the joint capsule to bind bones to other bones
connective tissue that bonds muscle to bone in either side of a joint
muscles (general function)
contribute to posture, produce body heat, protect internal organs, movement
skeletal muscles (striated muscles)
attached to bones and produce the means for movement; voluntary
smooth muscles (visceral muscles, involuntary muscles)
assist internal processes; not under conscious control
cardiac muscle
make up the myocardium (in the heart wall only)
moved closer to the midline
moves away from the midline
decreased the angle of a joint
increases the angle of a joint
moves a bone around its own axis
turns the palm downward
turns the palm upward
moves the sole of the foot inward
moves the sole of the foot outward
elevates the foot
plantar flexion
lowers the foot (points the toes)
bones (general function)
provides framework of the body, protect internal organs, allow for movement, store calcium and other minerals, and produce blood cells within bone marrow
short bones
somewhat curve-shaped (nearly equal in length and width); carpals and tarsals
irregular bones
cannot be classified as short or long due to their complex shapes; vertebrae and bones of the middle ear
flat bones
flattened in shape, provide broad surfaces for muscular attachment or protection for internal organs; skull, shoulder blades, and sternum
long bones
regular, well-defined shapes; found in the extremities of the body
diaphysis (long bones)
shaft of bone; compact bone forms cylinder around medullary cavity that is filled with yellow bone marrow
epiphysis (proximal and distal, long bones)
at the two ends of the bone
1) articular cartilage
2) epiphyseal line
3) compact bone
4) spongy bone filled with red bone marrow
articular cartilage
thin outer layer of cartilage where bones meet to form joints
epiphyseal line (growth plate)
an area of cartilage constantly being replaced by new bone tissue as the bone grows; is responsible for bone lengthening during childhood and adolescence; disappears when bone has achieved full growth
periosteum (long bones)
dense, white, fibrous membrane covering the remaining surface of the bone
bone-forming cells
non-articulating surfaces, sites of muscle and ligament attachment
trochanter projection
very large, irregularly shaped process found only on the femur
tubercle projection
small, rounded process
tuberosity projection
large, rounded process
articulating surfaces
projections that form joints
condyle articulating surface
rounded, articulating knob
head articulating surface
prominent, rounded, articulating end of a bone
depressions and opening
sites for blood vessel, nerve, and duct passages
foramen opening
rounded opening through a bone to accommodate blood vessels and nerves
fissure opening
narrow, slit like opening
meatus opening
opening or passage into a bone
sinus opening
cavity or hollow space in a bone
axial skeleton (sections)
1) skull
2) rib cage
3) vertebral column
consists of cranial bones and facial bones
enclosed and protects the brain and the organs of hearing and equilibrium
fontanels (soft spots)
fibrous membranes connecting cranial bones to enable an infant’s skull to pass more easily through the birthing canal
frontal bone (cranium)
anterior portion of the skull; forehead
parietal bone (cranium)
on each side of the skull
coronal suture (cranium)
point of connection between parietal bones
occipital bone (cranium)
forms the back and base of the skull
temporal bone (cranium)
on each side of the skull; form part of the lower cranium
mastoid process (cranium)
off of the temporal bones; provide point of attachment for several neck muscles
sphenoid bone (cranium)
middle part of the base of the skull; holds all other cranial bones together
ethmoid bone (cranium)
anterior cranial bone located between the nasal cavity and parts of the orbits of the eyes
mandible (facial)
lower jaw bone
maxillae (facial)
paired upper jawbones
hard palate (facial)
roof of the mouth; formed by maxillae
nasal bones (facial)
form the shape and bridge of the nose
lacrimal bones (facial)
located at the corner of each eye
zygomatic bones (facial)
form the highest point of the cheeks below and to the side of the eyes
vomer (facial)
forms the lower part of the nasal septum
paranasal sinuses
cavities located within the cranial and facial bones; frontal, ethmoid, sphenoidal, and maxillary
thoracic cage (rib cage)
encloses and protects the heart and lungs
true ribs
first seven; attached directly to the sternum by costal cartilage
false ribs
second five; attached indirectly to sternum
floating ribs
last two; not connected to the sternum
vertebral column
made up of 26 vertebrae; supports the body and provides a protective bony canal for the spinal cord
cervical vertebrae
first seven; form the neck
first of the cervical vertebrae; supports the skull
second of the cervical vertebrae; allows for rotation of the skull on the neck
thoracic vertebrae
second twelve vertebrae; support the chest and serve as a point of articulation between the ribs
lumbar vertebrae
third five vertebrae; carry most of the weight of the torso
sacral vertebrae (sacrum)
fourth five vertebrae fused together
tail of the vertebral column; four or five fragmented fused vertebrae
intervertebral discs
composed of fibrocartilaginous substance with a gelatinous mass in the center (nucleus pulposus); located between vertebrae
appendicular skeleton
composed of upper and lower limbs and their girdles; presents internal organs and provides central support for the body
pectoral girdle
made up of the clavicle and scapula; attaches the bones of the upper limbs to the axial skeleton and provides attachments for muscles that aid upper body movements
upper arm bone
lateral bone of the forearm
medial bone of the forearm
eight bones that make up the wrist
five bones that make up the palm
bones that make up the fingers and toes
pelvic girdle
attaches lower limbs to axial skeleton; sports the trunk of the body and provides protection for lower organs of digestion, urinary, and reproductive structures
pelvic girdle (innominate bone)
made up of the ilium, ischium, and pubis
deep socket of the hip joint; formed by ilium and joins the pubis
large bone that makes up the thigh
lateral bone of the leg
medial bone of the leg
the seven bones that make up the ankle
five bones that make up the body the foot
joint capsule
contains lubricant fluid (synovial fluid) and nourishes and protects the joint
diarthroses joints
freely movable joints; encased in a sleeve like extension of the periosteum
slightly movable joints; connected by ligaments or elastic cartilage