Chapter 1 Flashcards
A new discipline that uses neuroscience techniques to explore the kind of cognitive processes used in interactions with other people
Social Cognitive Neuroscience
Overall quality that transcends the individual elements.
A precise definition that specifies exactly how a concept is to be measured (emphasized by behaviorists.
Operational Definition
Refers to the destruction of an area in the brain most often by strokes, tumors, blows to the head and accidents
Brain Lesions
The thought that Psychology must focus on objective, observable reactions to stimuli in the environment rather than introspection
A storage system that records information of the senses with reasonable accuracy. Information is stored here for 2 seconds or less and then most is forgotten.
Sensory Memory
Refers to the observation that our recall is especially accurate for the final items in a series of stimuli
Recency Effect
Emphasis that we humans have basic tendencies to actively organize what we see, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. unity and organization. Emphasized the importance of insight in problem solving
Gestalt Psychology
- Founded Psychology
- believed that mental processes should be studied using a technique called introspection
Wilhem Wundt
Combines the research techniques of psychology with various methods for asserting the structure and function of the brain Methods of study (PET, FMRI, ERP)
Cognitive Neuroscience
Scientific evidence obtained by careful observation and experimentation
Empirical Evidence
if the conditions in which the research is conducted are similar to the natural setting where results are applied.
Ecological Validity
Proposed that memory involves a sequence of separate steps, in each step information is transferred from one storage area to another
Atkinson Shifrin Model
Meant that carefully trained observers would systematically analyze their own sensations and report them as objectively as possible under standardized conditions
Is a branch of computer science which seeks to explore human cognitive process by creating computer models that show intelligent behavior and also accomplish the same tasks as humans
(AI) Artificial Intelligence
A way of describing cognition as a complex, multipurpose machine that processes information quickly and accurately
Computer Metaphor
1) a synonym for cognition
2) refers to a theoretical approach to psychology that focuses on studying peoples thought process and knowledge (cognitive approach)
Cognitive Psychology
Mental activity including the acquisition, storage, transformation and use of knowledge
Holds only a small amount of information you are actively using these memories. they are lost within 30 seconds unless they are repeated
Short term memory
has an enormous capacity because it contains memories that are decades old in addition to memories of events that occurred several minutes ago this memory is relatively permanent.
Long term memory
An approach that designs a computer program to accomplish a cognitive task as efficiently as possible even if the computer processes are completely different from the processes used in humans
Pure Artificial Intelligence (Pure AI)
Programing a computer to perform specific cognitive task in the same way that humans actually perform this task. Must produce the saem number of errors as well as correct responses that humans produce
Computer Simulation
A theory describing cognitive processing in terms of networks that link together neuron like units these networks perform operations in parallel rather than on step at a time. (uses the brain as a model)
Connectionst Approach (Parallel Distribution Processing) Neural Network Approach
A theoretical orientation that emphasizes peoples thought process and their knowledge
Cognitive Approach
Our mental processes are similar to that of a computer, information processes through our cognitive system in a series of stages on stage at a time
Information Processing Approach
American psychologist. central figure to cognitive psychology published a book called principles of psychology he forshadowed many topics of cognitive psych such as attention memory understanding reasoning
William James
Prominent Behaviorist they did not contribute to cognitive psych but contributed to research methods.
John B. Watson
what was the cognitive revolution influenced by?
- Information tech
- Artificial Intelligence
- Linguistics
Researchers measured blood flow in the brain by injecting the participant with a low dose of radioactive chemical just before the person works on a task.
PET Scan
Does not use radio active material, a method to measure activity based on principles that oxygen rich blood is an index of brain activity. A magnetic field produces changes in the oxygen atoms in the brain while a person performs a cognitive task
Records the brief changes in the brains electrical activity in response to stimuli
ERP (Event related potential)
Cognitive Psychology is part of this field it is an interdisciplinary field that tries to answer questions about the mind.
Cognitive Science