chapt 27 male reproductive system Flashcards
sexual reproduction is __, meaning offspring receives genes form two parents
male and female gametes (sex cells) combine their genes to form a
zygote (fertilized egg)
parent with a Y chromosome is a
males have a __ for introducing their gametes into the female reproductive tract
copulatory organ (penis)
produces eggs, receives sperm, provides for gametes’ union, harbors fetus, and nourishes offspring
primary sex organs (gonads) produces __
gametes (testes or ovaries)
organs other than gonads that are necessary for reproduction
secondary sex organs
secondary sex organs of male
system of ducts, glands;penis delivers sperm cells
secondary sex organs of female
uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina receive sperm and harbor developing fetus
secondary sex characteristics (both)
develop at puberty and both sexes get pubic and axillary hair, scent glands, and pitch of voice
facial hair, hair on torso and limbs, muscular physique
male secondary sex characteristics
distribution of body fat, breast enlargement, hairless appearance of skin
female secondary sex characteristics
our cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes:
22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (XY males; XX females)
males produce half Y carrying sperm and
half X carrying sperm
all eggs carry the
X chromosome
X carrying sperm fertilizes the egg:
female bby
Y carrying sperm fertilizes the egg:
male bby
develop high in the abdominal cavity and then migrate into the pelvic cavity (ovaries) or scrotum (testes)
embryonic connective tissue cord extending from gonad to pelvic floor cavity
passes between the internal and external oblique muscles into the scrotal swelling
fold of peritoneum that extends into the scrotum
vaginal process
pathway of low resistance through the groin created by gubernaculum and vaginal process
inguinal canal
descent of the testes begins as early as
6 weeks
accompanied by elongating testicular arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels, nerves, spermatic ducts, and extension of internal abdominal oblique muscle
cryptorchidism is
undescended testes
external genitalia of the male-
scrotum and penis
diamond shaped area between the thighs
pouch of skin, muscle, and fibrous connective tissue containing the testes
which testicle descends lower
skin has sebaceous glands, sparse hair, rich sensory innervation, dark pigmentation
divides scrotum into right and left compartments
internal median septum
medial seam on scrotum surface that marks location of median septum
perineal raphe
extends anteriorly along ventral side of penis and posteriorly to anus
perineal raphe
bundle of fibrous connective tissue containing the ductus deferens, blood and lymphatic vessels, and testicular nerve
spermatic cord
inferior entrance to inguinal canal
external inguinal ring
superior exit to pelvic cavity
internal inguinal ring
human __ reside in the scrotum because of its cooler environment
scrotum has 3 mechanisms to regulate the temperature of the testes:
cremaster, dartos fascia, pampiniform plexus
strips of the internal abdominal oblique muscle that enmesh the spermatic cord
contracts and draws testes upward toward body
cold temps- cremaster
relaxes suspending testes further from body
warm temps- cremaster
subcutaneous layer containing the dartos muscle
dartos fascia
smooth muscle contracts when cold, wrinking the scrotum, holding testes against warm body
dartos fascia
reduces surface area of the scrotum and heat loss
dartos fascia
extensive network of veins from the testes that surrounds the testicular artery and spermatic cord
pampiniform plexus
without the pampiniform plexus, warm arterial blood would heat the testis and inhibit sperm production
countercurrent heat exchanger
combined endocrine and exocrine glands that produce sex hormones and sperm
testes (testicles)
teste shape is
oval and slightly flattened
covered anteriorly and laterally by tunica vaginalis
white fibrous capsule on testes
tunica albuginea
divides testes into 250 to 300 wedge-shaped lobules
connective tissue septa
ducts where sperm are produced
seminiferous tubules
each tubule lined with a thick germinal epithelium of germ cells and nurse cells
seminiferous tubules
germ cells depend on what for nutrients, waste removal, growth factors
nurse cells
produces testosterone
interstitial endocrine cells
formed by tight junctions between nurse cells
blood-testis barrier
separates sperm from immune system, prevents antibodies from getting to sperm cells
blood testis barrier (BTB)
network that collects sperm from seminiferous tubules
rete testis
supplies each testis
testicular artery
low BP of testicular artery results in poor oxygen supply to the
sperm develops __ to cope with poor oxygen supply and to help them survive hypoxic enviroment
large mitochondria
what leaves the testes through pampiniform plexus of veins which converge to form the testicular veins
right testicular vein drains to
inferior vena cava