Changing Places - Key Terms Flashcards
More than its physical location, a place is space given meaning(s) by people.
Where a place is on a map, its latitude and longitude
The place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events associated with it. We behave in a particular way in these places, according to the social rules we understand.
Sense of place
The subjective and emotional attachment to a place, its meaning.
Perception of place
The way in which place is viewed or regarded by people.
Descriptive approach
The idea that the world is a set of places and each place can be studied and is distinct
Social constructionist approach
Sees place as a product of a particular set of social processes occurring at a particular time
Phenomological approach
Is not interested in the unique characteristics of a place or why it was constructed. Instead it is interested in how an individual person experiences place.
Who a person is, both in terms of how others view them, and how they see themselves.
A person’s identity is shaped, in party, by where they live and /or their place of birth (their homeland).
To be part of the community.
Someone who feels like they belong in a place and identifies with it.
Someone who does not feel like they belong in a place.
In place
Something that belongs within a place.
Out of place
Something that does not or does not feel like it belongs in a place.
An affection for or emotional ownership of a particular place.
Consciousness of, and loyalty to, a distinct region with a population that shares similarities
Loyalty and devotion to a nation, which creates a sense of national consciousness. Patriotism could be considered as an example of a sense of place.
The deliberate shaping of an environment to facilitate social interaction and improve a community’s quality of life.
Clone town
Settlements where the high street is dominated by chain stores
Homogenised places
Places that have become indistinct from one another through the process of making things uniform or similar.
A greater focus on ‘local’ place and the promotion of local goods and services.
Products or services that are distributed globally but which are fashioned to appeal to the consumers in a local market.
The state of being comfortable, healthy or happy.
A process why which national economies, societies and cultures have become increasingly integrated through the global network of trade, communication, transportation and immigration.
The loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next.
Tourist gaze
What a visitor sees or experiences of a place of interest. To some extent, it is organised or edited by professionals in the tourist industry.
Where people living within a place are more likely to oppose developments in it.
Far places
could refer to somewhere far in terms of the geographical distance
Equally could describe a particular place that a person feels uncomfortable in and doesn’t have an emotional connection with
Near place
could refer to somewhere close in terms of the geographical distance
Equally could describe a particular place that a person feels comfortable in and has a close emotional connection with.
Experienced place
places that a person has spent time in
Media places
places that a person has only read about or seen on film or TV.
Endogenous factor
the local demographic characteristics and the physical geography of a place. They have originated internally These help to shape its unique character.
Exogenous factor
the relationships of one place with other places and the external factors which affect this
Genius Loci
Spirit of a place
Strong attachment to a place
A dread or adverse reaction to a place
An emotional bond
Social exclusion
Making certain groups of people within a society feel like outsiders
Factors that influence how we perceive different places
Agents of place
The people who impact on a place through living, working or tryng to improve it
Social housing
Individual or collective perceptions of place
How a place is portrayed or ‘seen’ in society
First space representations
Second space representations
Third space representations
Place marketing
When marketing or PR companies nay be employed by national and local government to improve or create positive perceptions of place
The way in which a place is re-developed and marketed so that it gains a new identity
Disassociating a place from bad pre-existing images
A long term process involving redevelopment and the use of social, economic and environmental action to reserve urban decline and create sustainable communities
Corporate body
An organisation or group of persons identified by a particular name
Heritage tourism
How accurate or useful a particular source is
The context in which a source of text was produced and information about its creator, their wider view and those of their patrons
Big data
Extremely large datasets from which we can learn a great deal with effective analysis
Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts
Based on influence by personal feelings, tastes or opinions
Qualitative data
Information that is non-numerical and used in a relatively unstructured and open-ended way
Quantitative data
Data that can be quantified and verified and is statistically amenable to statistical manipulation
A bottom-up process by which people produce their own maps, informed by their own local knowledge and understanding of places