ch5 Flashcards
stimuli are turned into neutral impulses
sensory adaptation
decreasing response to stimuli due to constant stimulation
sensory habituation
perception of stimuli is partially due to how much you focus on them
cocktail party phenomena
perceiving stimuli can be both voluntary & involuntary
activation of senses
process of understanding sensations
energy senses
vision, hearing, touch
trichromatic theory
states that there are 3 types of cones in the retina (cones that detect red, blue & green)
opponent process theory
(explains color blindness & afterimages)
states that sensory receptors in the retina come in pairs (red/green, yellow/blue, black/white)
and when one sensory is stimulated, it prevents the other from firing
height of wave, determines vollume
length of wave, determines pitch
ossicles (small bones in ears)
hammer, anvil, stirup
snail shell like structure that is filled with fluids
basilar membrane
floor of cochlea, filled with hair cells connected to organ of corti
organ of corti
neurons activated by movement of hair cells
place theory
theorizes that hairs in the cochlea respond to different pitches depending on where they are located in the cochlea
frequency theory
pitch is sensed because hair fires at different rates in the cochlea
conduction deafness
deafness that is caused when something is wrong with conducting sound to the cochlea
nerve/sensorineural deafness
deafness that is caused when hair in the cochlea is damaged
gate control theory
touch theory. states that some pain messages have higher priority when passing through the “gate”
chemical senses
taste, smell
chemicals from food are absorbed by taste buds
absorbs molecules of substances that rise into the air