ch13 Flashcards
drilling holes into the skull to let evil spirits out
releasing patients from mental institutions
preventive effects
preventing/treating disorders early on
primary prevention
preventing diseases/ disorders before they occur
secondary prevention
working with people at risk for developing certain disorder
tertiary prevention
working to prevent a disorder from getting more severe
somatic therapies
talking to psychologist
(cognitive, humanist, psychoanalytic, behaviorist)
symptom substitution
when a patient develops a new psychological problem after getting treated for an old one
altered state of consciousness, makes it so people are less likely to suppress bad thoughts
free associate
to say whatever comes to mind without thinking when given a prompt
resistance (psychoanalytical theory)
when a patient disagrees with a therapists interpretations
transference (psychoanalytical theory)
when patients begin having strong feelings (both positive or negative, and may be romantic) towards there therapists
insight therapies
psychoanalytic/psychodynamic therapies & humanist therapies
helps clients understand that their past memories is impacting their futures
belief that people have no control over what happens to them
client centered therapy/person centered therapy
provides clients with unconditional positive regard
non directive form of therapy
does not tell patients what to do, but helps them decide what to do
active listening
therapist doesn’t talk much, and instead encourages patient to talk
gestalt therapy
therapy that focuses on a person’s present rather than their past.
makes them aware of themselves as one whole being
existential therapies
focuses on helping patients find a meaning of life
when an unpleasant conditioned response is replaced with a pleasant one
systematic desensitization
replaces feelings of anxiety with relaxation through desensitization
in vivo desensitization
desensitization while confronting actual objects/sitations
covert desensitization
confronting fears in imagination
systematic desensitization except it starts at the top (most feared object/situation)
asking a patient to copy someone interacting with a patient’s fears
aversive conditioning
pairing a bad habit (smoking, drinking, etc) with unpleasant stimuli
operant conditioning
using reinforcement & punishment to modify behavior
attributional style
what people blame their failures on. usually internal, permanent, and global aspects of yourself
cognitive triad
people’s beliefs about themselves, their futures, and their world
rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT)
exposes & confronts patient’s dysfunctional thoughts/fears. convinces patients fears are not illogical/extreme
(cognitive behavioral)
self help groups
group therapies that dont require a therapist
drug therapy
bilateral ECT
electric current is passed through both hemispheres of the brain. causes memory loss
unilateral ECT
electric current is passed through one hemisphere of the brain
purposely destroying part of the brain (lobotomies)
medical doctors, can prescribe medicine
clinical psychologists
have doctoral degrees (PhDs). deals with people with more severe problems.
counseling therapists
has graduate degree in psychology. deals with less severe problems than clinical psychologists
people who follow freuds methods