ch12 Flashcards
characteristics of disorders
maladaptive/harmful to an individual, disturbing to others, unusual and irrational (does not make sense).
used to legally differentiate people mentally stable enough to be held accountable (sane) and people who are not
simpler/specific phobia
intense & illogical fear of something
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
constant, low levels of anxiety
panic disorder
someone who has panic attacks with or without any provocation
somatic symptom disorder
a person experiences a physical problem without any identifiable physical cause
conversion disorder
reporting & showing severe physical symptoms without identifiable cause
excessive worry about developing an unidentifiable medical disorder
dissociative amnesia
amnesia without any identifiable physical causes
dissociative identity disorder (DID)
someone who has several personalities
mood/affective disorder
people who experience intense/ unwanted emotions
major depressive disorders/unipolar depression
depressed mood/ loss of interest in formerly enjoyable activities
seasonal affective disorder
depression that only occurs at certain times of the year
cognitive triad
themselves, their world, and their futures
is the cognitive theory for depression
learned helplessness
when a person believes they cant control parts of their future that is controllable due to past experiences
socio cognitive theory for depression
beliefs with no basis in reality (unrealistic illusions)
delusions of grandeur
belief that you are more powerful than you actually are
delusions of persecution
belief that people are out to get you
perceptive (visual or auditory) that don’t exist
made up words
clang associations
strunt together nonsensical words that rhyme
inappropriate effect
inappropriate reactions to situations
flat effect
having no emotional response
motor problems. may be motionless or have jerky movements
waxy flexibility
allowing their body to me moved and holding the new pose
positive symptoms
new behaviors/thoughts/moods
negative symptoms
loss of behavior/thought/mood
tardive dyskinesia
muscle tremors/stiffness
double bind
contradicting messages
cognitive theory for schizophrenia
dopamine hypothesis
high levels of dopamine cause schizophrenia
biological theory
diathesis stress model
states that stress can cause dormant illnesses to become active
types of personality disorders
antisocial personality disorder- doesn’t like socializing
dependant personality disorder- overly dependant
paranoid personality disorder- overly paranoid
narcissistic personality disorder- focuses on yourself only
histrionic personality disorder- overly dramatic
obsessive compulsive personality disorder- overly concerned about certain thoughts & behaviors
paraphilias/psychosexual disorder
sexual attractions to things not usually seen as sexual. more common in men
autism spectrum disorder
difficulties with social interaction, and hypersensitive to certain stimuli
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
difficulties paying attention/sitting still
alzheimer’s disease
deterioration of cognitive abilities
rosenhan study (David rosenhan)
when sane people pretended to be mentally ill in order to be accepted into a mental hospital, where they stayed even after they demonstrated normal behaviors.
showed that people cannot differentiate the sane from the insane in psych wards