CH15- Mixed Odontogenic Tumors Flashcards
What are the 6 mixed (epithelial and ectomesenchymal) odontigenic tumors?
1.ameloblastic fibroma 2.ameloblastic fibro-odontoma 3.Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma 4.Odontoameloblastoma 5. Compoound odontoma 6. Complex odontoma
What tumor was commonly diagnosed as an early stage odontoma before it go its own name?
Ameloblastic fibroma
Ameloblastic fibroma: age? sex? location?
Young 1st-2nd decade…slightly male, 70% in posterior mandible
What clinical characteristic is associated with an ameloblastic fibroma 75% of the time?
an unerupted tooth
Microscopically, the tumor is composed of a cell-rich mesenchymal tissue resembling the primitive dental papilla admixed with proliferating odontogenic epithelium.
Ameloblastic fibroma
What are the two patterns of the epithelial component of an ameloblastic fibroma?
1.long narrow cords 2 cells thick of cuboidal or columnar cells OR 2. small descrete islands that look like the follicular stage of the developing enamel organ
What is an important distinguishing feature of the epithelial islands in an ameloblastic fibroma vs an ameloblastoma?
AF = NO microcyst formation
What is the REAL recurrence rate of AFs?
Recurrent AFs are at risk for what 35% of the time?
Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma
________ is a tumor with the general features of an ameloblastic fibroma but that also contains ENAMEL and DENTIN
Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
AF-O: age? location? sex?
10 yrs…posterior mandible…male
AF-O: the soft tissue component is histologically identical to what?
Ameloblastic Fibroma
What is the varient of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma in which there is NO enamel formation and ONLY dentin formation?
ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma
What is the recurrence rate for AF-O?
Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma: in most cases, which histological component looks malignant while the other remains bland?
the mesenchymal portion looks malignant and the epithelial portion looks bland