Ch15- Epithelial Odontogenic Tumors Flashcards
What are the three categories of Odontogenic tumors and how many entities are within each?
- Odontogenic epithelium (5) 2. Mixed (6) 3. Odontogenic Ectomesenchyme (4)
What are the 5 tumors derived from odontogenic epithelium?
1.Ameloblastoma 2. Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma 3. AOT 4.CEOT 5.Squamous Odontogenic Tumor
What are the 6 tumors derived from mixed epithelium and ectomesenchyme?
1.ameloblastic fibroma 2.ameloblastic fibro-odontoma 3.ameloblastic fibrosarcoma 4. Odontoameloblastoma 5. Compound odontoma 6. Complex odontoma
What are the 4 tumors derived from odontogenic ectomesenchyme?
1.Odontogenic fibroma 2.Granular cell odontogenic tumor 3.Odontogenic myxoma 4.Cementoblastoma
What are the 4 possible origins of an ameloblastoma?
1.rests of dental lamina 2. developing enamel organ 3.epithelial lining of an odontogenic cyst 4.basal cells of the oral mucosa
What are the three clinicoradiographic presentations of ameloblastoma?
- conventional solid or multicystic 2. unicystic 3.peripheral
Conv solid/mulitcystic Ameloblastoma: age? gender? race? location?
30-70 (but can occur younger), no pref, blacks but debatable, 80-85% in mandible (66% in posterior mandible)
Conv solid/mulitcystic Ameloblastoma: what is usually the first clinical symptom/presentation?
painless swelling / expansion
Conv solid/mulitcystic Ameloblastoma: what are the buzzwords for radiographic appearance?
soap bubble or honeycomb
Conv solid/mulitcystic Ameloblastoma: +/- expansion? +/- root resorption?
+ expansion, + root resorption
What flavor of ameloblastoma is more often found in the anterior jaw(s)? Predilection for mand vs max?
Desmoplastic ameloblastoma…equal mand / max
RL vs RO: Desmoplastic ameloblastoma. What is the mechanism?
Mixed, thus confused for a fibro-osseus lesion.. metaplasia w/in the dense fibrous septa of the lesion
What are the 6 microscopic subtypes of conventional ameloblastoma?
Follicular, plexiform, acanthomatous, granular cell, desmoplastic, and basal cell
Ameloblastoma (follicular) histo: buzz words for the ameloblastic cell orientation in the epithelial islands?
REVERSE-polarity (the columnar / cuboidal ameloblasts have the nucleus away from the basement membrane and towards the stellate reticulum)
Name that ameloblastoma pattern: long, anastomosing cords / larger sheets of odontogenic epithelium
Name that ameloblastoma pattern: extensive squamous metaplasia, often associated with keratin this more aggressive?
acanthomatous..not more aggressive, just can be confused with SCC or SOT
Name that ameloblastoma pattern: cells have abundant cytoplasm filled with eosinophilic granules that resemble lysosomes ultrastructurally…WHAT is the AGE demographic for this pattern?
Granular cell pattern….YOUNG patients
Name that ameloblastoma pattern: small islands and cords of odontogenic epithelium in a densely collagenized stroma.. What is responsible for the stromal proliferation??
Name that ameloblastoma pattern: the least common
type. These lesions are composed of nests of uniform basaloid cells, No stellate reticulum is present in the central portions of the nests…what shape are the peripheral cells?
Basal Cell pattern…cuboidal
Conv solid/mulitcystic Ameloblastoma: recurrence s/p currettage? Recurrence s/p marginal resection?
curettage: 50-90%…marginal resection: 15%
Unicystic Ameloblastomas: age? location?
young! 23 yrs avg…90% in posterior mandible
What are the three histopathologic varients of UNICYSTIC ameloblastoma?
- luminal 2. intraluminal (sometimes plexiform) 3. mural