CH12 - CH16: Test Selection and Exercises Flashcards
field test
done away from a lab and doesn’t require extensive equipement
test administered before beginning of training to determine athletes initial basic ability levels
test administered one or more times during training period
test administered at the end of the training period to formalize success
degree to which a test measures what its supposed to measure
extent to which a test actually measures what it was designed to measure
construct validity
appearance to the athlete and other casual observers that the test measures what it is purported to measure
face validity
assessment by experts that the testing covers all relevant subtopics or component abilities in appropriate proportions
content validity
extent to which test scores are associated with some other measure of the same ability
criterion reference validity
what are the three types of criterion reference validity?
concurrent, convergent, predictive, discriminant
extent to which test scores are associated with those of other accepted test
concurrent validity
high positive correlation between results of the test being assess and those of a “gold standard” (recognized measure of a construct)
convergent validity
extent to which the test score corresponds with future behavior of performance
predictive validity
ability of a test to distinguish between two different constructs
discriminant validity
measure of the degree of consistency or repeatability of a test
lack of consistent performance by person being testedq
intrasubject variability
degree to which different raters (observers) agree in their test results over time or on repeated occasions
interrater variability (objectivity)
lack of consistent score by a given tester
intrarater variability
how much time should occur between tests in a test battery?
at least 5 minutes
what is the optimal testing sequence
Non fatiguing Agility Max power/strength Sprint Local muscular endurance Anaerobic capacity tests Aerobic capacity test
maximal strength tests reflect what type of muscular strength
tests that are very short duration but performed at maximum movement speed test what?
anaerobic power
power output reflects what two elements of a movement?
force and velocity
maximum rate of energy production by the combined phosphagen and glycolytic energy system for moderate duration activities
anaerobic capacity
ability of specific muscles or muscle groups to perform repeated contractions against a submaximal resistance
local muscular endurance
maximum rate an athlete can produce energy through oxidation of energy sources
aerobic power
what are example of tests for aerobic power?
yo-yo intermittent recovery test, and maximal aerobic speed test
ability to start stop and change direction of the entire body
movement distance per unit time
range of motion about a body joint
ability to maintain a static and dynamic equilibrium or to maintain body’s center of gravity over its base of support