Ch.11: Personality Flashcards
A unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions
In freudian terms, thoughts or motives that a person is currently aware of or is remembering
Freud’s term for thoughts, motives, or memories that exist just beneath the surfaces of awareness and can be called to consciousness when neccesary
Freud’s term for a part of the psyche that stores repressed urges and primitive impulses
According to Freud, the primitive, unconscious component of personality that operates irrationally and acts on the pleasure principle
In Freud’s theory, the principle in which the Id operates– seeking immediate gratification
Pleasure principle
In Freud’s theory, the rational, decision-making component of personality that operates according to the reality principe
The principle in which the conscious ego operates as it seeks to delay gratification of the Id’s impulses until appropriate outlets and situations can be found
Reality principle
The aspect of personality that operates on the morality principle, the “conscience” that internalizes society’s values, standards, and morals
The principle in which the superego operates feelings of guilt result if its rules are violated
Morality principle
The egos’s protective method of reducing anxiety by self-deception and distort reality
Defense mechanism
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: preventing a painful or unacceptable thoughts from entering conciousness
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: redirecting socially unacceptable impulses into acceptable activities
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: refusing to accept an unpleasant reality
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: creating socially acceptable excuse to justify unacceptable behavior
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: ignoring the emotional aspects of a painful experience by focusing on abstract thoughts, words, ideas
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: transferring unacceptable thoughts, motives, or impulses (Cheating)
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: not acknowledging unacceptable impulses and overemphasizing their opposite (homophobic)
Reaction formation
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: Reverting to immature ways of responding (tantrums)
Type of DEFENSE MECHANISM: redirecting impulses from the original source toward a less threatening person or object
Five development periods (oral,anal,phallic, latency, and genital) during which particular kinds of pleasures must be gratifies if personality development is to proceed normally
Psychosexual stages
________ believed behavior is purposeful and goal oriented, individual psychology. motivated by our goals in life
Alfred Adler
Alder’s idea that feelings of inferiority develop from early childhood experiences of helplessness and incompetence
Inferiority complex
______ developed analytical psychology, emphasized unconscious processes, believed it contains positive and spiritual motives as well as sexual and aggression
Carl jung
Jung’s concept of the part of an individuals’ unconscious that is inherited, evolutionary developed and common to all members of the species
collective unconscious
The universal, inherited, primitive and symbolic representation of a particular experience or object which resides in the collective unconscious
_______ developed a creative blend of FREUDIAN, ADLERIAN, JUNGIAN theory. Empasized women’s positve traits and freud’s ideas are mainly bias. social inferiority penis envy
Karen Horney
According to horney, feelings of helplessness and insecurity that adults experience because as children they felt alone and isolated in a hostile environment
Basic anxiety
Three ways everyone copes with basic anxiety are
move toward it. away from it, or against other people
A relatively stable personality characteristics that can be used to describe someone
A comprehensive descriptive personality system that includes OCEAN
Five-factor model
Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism (emotional stability)
The humanistic term for the inborn drive to realize one’s full potential and to develop all one’s inherent talents and capabilities
A person’s relatively stable self-perception or mental model based on life experiences, particularly the feedback and perception of others. CARL ROGERS
Self concept
Roger’s term for love and acceptance with no contingencies attached
Unconditional positive regard
Bandura’s term for a person’s learned expectation of success in a given situation; also another term for self-confidence
Bandura’s belief that a complex reciprocal interaction exists among the individual, his or her behavior, and environmental stimuli
Reciprocal determination
Julian Rotter’s theory that learning experiences create ________ that guide behavior and influence the environment.
cognitive expectancies
Walter Mischel, ignited the _________ when he suggested that our personalities change according to a given situation
Person-situation debate
Personality assesment can be grouped into 4 Categories
interview, observations, objective test, and projective test
The most widely researched and clinically used self-report personality test
Minnesota Multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)