Ch. 1: Introduction And Research Methods Flashcards
What do psychologist place high value on?
Empirical evidence
The process of objectively evaluating, comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing information is called?
Critical thinking
Who is the father of psychology?
William Wundt
Edward Titchener, who sought to identify the basic building blocks of mental life through introspection. Great impact on studying. He is the founder of?
A form of study that studied the mind functions to enable humans and other animals to adapt to their environment. Expanded research on emotions. Study of?
Who is the founder of psychoanalytic perspective? The founder believed that a part of the human mind, the unconscious contains thoughts, memories, and desires that lie outside personal awareness. Sex and aggression.
Sigmeud Freud
Which perspective contains to explore unconscious dynamos, internal motives, conflicts and past experiences?
Psychodynamic perspective
Emphasizes objectively, observable environmental influences on overt behavior . Founder is John b. Watson & skinner. Adopted “conditioning”
Behavioral perspective
Stresses on free-will and self actualization. Carls roger and Abraham Moscow. Positive psychology
Humanistic perspective
A type of perspective that focus mainly on thought, perception, and information processing. Study the way we gather, encode, and store information.
Cognitive perspective
The type of perspective that examines behavior thought the lens of genetics
Biological perspective
Perspective that stresses on natural selection, adaptation, and evolution of behavior
Evolutionary perspective
Emphasizes on social interactions and cultural determinants of behavior and mental processes. Ethnicity, religion, occupations and class.
Sociocultural perspective
Why is the biopsychosocial model so important?
It recognizes that there is no single cause for our behavior or mental states
Research that typically focuses on fundamental principles and theories. In laboratory
Basic research
Research that is generally conducted outside the laboratory, used for real work application
Applied research
What is the order of the scientific method?
Question Hypothesis Research experiment Collect data Publication of study Theory development
What are the four major goals?
What types of descriptive research are there?
Naturalistic observation
Case study
Archival research
What is correlation research
When two variables are correlated. A change in one is accompanied by a change in the other
A carefully controlled scientific procedure that involves manipulation of variables to determine cause and effect is called
Experimental research
What is used to help control bias’s by using w chance or random system?
Random assignment
A stimulus introduced into a research setting that may affect the outcome of the study errors
Confounding variable
Research participants don’t reflect larger population
Sample bias
Researcher influences outcome
Experimenter bias
Experimental condition influence participants behavior
Participant bias
Social desirability response
Participants try to present themselves in a good light
When experimenters assumes that behavior are typical in ones own culture
What is the SQ4R method?
Survey, question, read, recite, review, write.
What is psychology?
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes