Ch. 5: State of Conciousness Flashcards
An organism’s awareness of internal events and of the external environment
A mental state, other than ordinary consciousness, that occurs during sleep, dreaming, psychoactive drug use and hypnosis
Alternate state of conciousness
A consistent pattern of cyclical bodily activities governed by an internal biological clock that generally occurs on a 24 to 25 hour cycle
Circadian Rhythm
In adults hormone is typically release around 10 pm, signaling the body to go to sleep, but in teenagers melatonin isn’t released until
around 1 am
Circadian rhythms are regulated by a part of the hypothalamus called the
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Sleep deprivation is associated with
reduced cognitive and motor performance,irritability and mood alterations, weaken immune system, obesity and stress
The fifth stage of sleep marked by rapid eye movements, high frequency brain waves, paralysis of large muscles and often dreaming
Rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep
Stage 1-4 of sleep during which a sleeper does not show rapid eye movements
Non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep
Sleep theory that explains how sleep evolved, and that we need to conserve energy and protect ourselves from predators
Adaptation/ protection theory
Sleep theory that explains how sleep helps repair and replenish essential chemicals our body
Repair/Restoration Theory
Dream theory that has a belief that dreams provide an outlet for unacceptable behaviors
Wish-fulfillment view
According to Freud, a dream’s unconscious, hidden meaning transformed into symbols within the dream’s manifest content.
Latent content
The surface or remembered story line
Manifest content
The perspective that dreams are a by product of random stimulation of the brain cells which attempt to combine into coherent patterns known as dreams
activation-synthesis hypothesis
The perspective that dreams are a type of information processing that helps interpret daily experiences and organize them into memories
Cognitive view of dreams
Women are more likely to dream about
children, family, and familiar faces, household objects and indoor events
men are more likely to dream about
Sex, outdoor events, Strangers, violence
True or False Dreams around the world typically include good fortune, and the dreamer is most likely the aggressor
False, mostly misfortune and the victim of aggresion
What is Insomnia?
Persistent problem falling asleep, staying asleep or awakening too early
What is Narcolepsy?
Sudden, irresistible onset of sleep during wake hours (sleep attack)
What is sleep apnea?
A sleep disorder of the upper respiratory system that causes a repeated interruption of breathing during sleep. (loud snoring, and poor quality of sleep)
Anxiety- arousing dreams that generally occur near the end of the sleep cycle, during REM sleep
A chemical that changes mental processes and conscious awareness, mood, and perception
Psychoactive drugs
A drug that binds to a receptor and triggers a response in the cell which mimics or enhances a neurotransmitter’s effect
Agonist drug
A drug that blocks a neurotransmitter’s effects
Antagonist drug
Drug taking that causes emotional or physical harm to the drug user or others
Drug abuse
A condition in which a person feels compelled to use a specific drug or engage in a type of compulsive activity
The psychological desire or craving to achieve a drug’s effect
Psychological dependence
The changes in bodily processes that make a drug necessary for minimal function
Physical dependence
The discomfort and distress including physical pain and intense cravings, experienced after stopping the use of an addictive drug
The bodily adjustment to continued use of a drug in which the drug user requires greater dosages to achieve the same effect
A drug that decreases bodily processes and overall responsiveness. example are alcohol Rophynol, Xanax. Desired effects, tension reduction, euphoria, relaxation
A drug that increases the overall activity and general responsiveness. Examples are cocaine, meth, ecstasy, caffeine, and nicotine. Effects: exhilaration, high physical and mental energy, sociability, alertness
A drug derived from opium that numbs the sense and relieves pain. Examples morphine, heroin, codeine, oxycodone. Effects: rush of pleasure, pain relief, prevention of withdrawal. After repeated flooding of artificial opiates, the brain eventually reduces or stops the production of its own
Opiates (narcotics)
A drug that produces sensory or perceptual distortions. Examples LSD, mescaline,psilocybin, and marijuana Effect heightened aesthetics responses, mild delusions, hallucinations, relaxations
A group of techniques designed to alter consciousness, believed to enhance self knowledge and well-being through reduced self-awareness
An alternate state of consciousness characterized by deep relaxation and a trance-like state heightened suggestibility and intense focus