ch 9 Flashcards
what are the three factors stand out in the initial encounters?
proximity familiarity and physical attractiveness.
refers to geo- graphic, residential, and other forms of spatial closeness
in how many forms does the close relationship come?
family relationships, friendship, work relationships, romantic relationships and love.
what does attraction usually depend on?
the more familiar someone is, the more you will like him or her.
mere exposure effect.
what does familiarity can lead to?
decrease attraction.
what else good looks play role in other than dating?
what red is associated to women?
sexual attractiveness. (peak fertility).
proposes that people of similar levels of physical attractiveness gravitate toward each other.
matching hypothesis.
what does men and women value in dating?
men, physical attractiveness. women, social occupational status.
maintains that a species’ mating patterns depend on what each sex has to invest—in the way of time, energy, and survival risk—to produce and nurture offspring.
parental investment theory.
what does women from non equal gender societies, and equal gender societies do?
unequal gender societies value men’s economic clout but equal gender societies less traditional mate preferences.
refers to liking those who show that they like you.
reciprocal liking.
voluntary act of sharing personal information about yourself with another person.
self disclosure.
what does partners obtain with reciprocal exchange.
degree of similarity.
what else can be more important than similarity?
involves the actions and activities used to sustain the desired quality of a relationship.
relationship maintenance.
postulates that interpersonal relationships are governed by perceptions of the rewards and costs exchanged in interactions.
interpersonal communication or social exchange theory.
a personal standard of what constitutes an acceptable balance of rewards and costs in a relationship.
relationship satisfaction A comparison Level.
one’s estimation of the available outcomes from alternative relationships.
the comparison level for alternatives.
things that people contribute to a relationship that they can’t get back if the relationship ends