Ch. 8.2 - Properties Of Language Flashcards
form of communication that involves spoken, written or gestural symbols that are combined in a rule-based form
unique features of language (4)
- semanticity
- productivity
- displacement
- socially learned
phonemes (2)
- most basic unit of speech sounds
- vocal tract capable of 200 different phonemes
morphemes (2)
- smallest meaningful units of a language
- productivity
semantics (2)
- study of how people come to understand the meaning from words
- dyslexia
rules for combining words and morphemes into meaningful phrases and sentences
pragmatics (3)
- study of non linguistic elements of language use
- contextual effects (prior knowledge, environment, tone of voice)
- informal rules of language (social assumptions)
language disorders caused by damage to the brain structures that support using and understanding language
Wernicke’s area (2)
- area of brain most associated with finding the meaning of words
- aphasia: speaking in sentences that lack meaning
Broca’s area (2)
- controls our ability to articulate speech sounds that compose words
- aphasia: can still understand speech but cant speak fluently
sounds perception (3)
- newborns distinguish function and content words, then come to prefer the content words by 6 months
- infants as young as 2 months show a preference for speech sounds over non-speech sounds
- 3 month olds initially capable if distinguishing all 200 phonemes, but lose this ability around 10 months
fast-mapping (4)
- ability to map words onto concepts after a single exposure
- naming explosion
- receptive vocab larger than productive vocab
- over generalization, over extension, and under extension errors
naming explosion
rapid increase in vocab size that occurs around 20-24 months
sensitive period (4)
- time during childhood during which children’s brains are primed to develop language skills
- ability fades starting 7th year
- same with sign language
- language acquisition
costs of being bilingual (2)
- smaller vocab
- word access diminished in adulthood compared to unilingual adults
benefits of being bilingual (2)
- executive functions improved
- potential health benefits