Ch. 6 - Classical Conditioning Flashcards
Process by which behaviour or knowledge changes as a result of experience
Cognitive learning
Reading, listening, and taking tests to require new knowledge
Associative learning
Pairing stimuli
Classical conditioning
- learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus elicits a response that was originally caused by another stimulus
- Pavlov’s (un)conditioned response
Hebb’s rule
When a weak connection between neurones is stimulated at the same time as a strong connection, the weak connection is strengthened
Initial phase of learning in which a response is established
Loss or weakening of a CR when a CS and US no longer occurs together
Spontaneous recovery
Reoccurrence of a previously extinguished response
A response that originally occurs to a specific stimulus also occurs to a different, though similar stimulus
Occurs when an organism learns to respond to one original stimulus but not to a new stimuli similar to the original stimulus
Conditioned emotional responses (2)
- consists of emotional and physiological responses that develop to a specific type of object or situation
- Little Albert, phobias
Fear conditioning and psychopathy (3)
-face stimuli paired with electric shock during conditioning
>should generate negative emotional response to face
-when faces presented presented alone after conditioning, people with psychopathy showed little physiological arousal compared to control subjects
Biological predisposition to rapidly learn a response to a particular class of stimuli
Conditioned taste aversion (4)
- acquired dislike or disgust of a food/drink because it was paired with illness
- often learned in one trial
- occur even though illness is often delayed from when food was ingested
- new foods are more prone to conditioned taste aversion
Evaluate conditioning (3)
- when one stimulus takes on the emotional ‘valence’ of another stimuli
- Watson’s Pebeco toothpaste campaign
- celeb advertisements
Negative political advertising (2)
- negative political ads use evaluative conditioning to elicit unpleasant emotional responses in the viewers while presenting images of a political opponents
- 3rd person effect
High-order classical conditioning
When a CS functions as though it were an UCS