Ch. 7.1 - Memory At The Neural Level Flashcards
Working memory (WM)
Model of short-term remembering that includes a combo of memory components that can temporarily store small amounts of info for a short period of time
The Baddeley Working Memory Model makes 2 predictions
- 2 tasks that make use of same component will interfere with one another if performed simultaneously
- 2 tasks that make use of different components will not affect each other if performed simultaneously
Phonological loop (3)
- storage component of WM that relies on rehearsal and stores info as sounds
- phonological store and articulatory control process
- uses speech and hearing specific brain regions
Word length effect
People remember more one syllable words than four/five syllable words
Visuospatial sketchpad (2)
- storage component of WM that maintains visual images and spatial layouts
- feature binding: combining visual features into a singe unit (visual chunking)
Episodic buffer (3)
- storage component of WM that combines that images and sounds from the other two components into coherent episodes
- “newest” working memory system
- proposed to link other systems to LTM
Central executive
Control center of WM, it coordinates attention and the exchange of info among the three storage components (frontal lobes)
Declarative (explicit) memories
-memories that are conscious and can be verbalized
Nondeclarative (implicit) memories
Includes actions/behaviours that you can remember and perform without awareness
Declarative (explicit) memories include (2)
- semantic memories: memories that include our general knowledge and facts about the world (provincial capitals)
- episodic memories: memories for personal experiences recalled from a 1st POV (‘mental time travel’)
Nondeclarative (implicit) memories include (2)
-classical conditioning
-procedural memories: include pattern of muscle movements (motor memory )
>skill learning
>priming: previous exposure to a stimulus will affect an individuals later responses
Long-term potentiation (LTP)
The enduring increase in connectivity and transmission of neural signal between nerve cells that fire together (hippocampus)
Consolidation (2)
- process of converting STMs into LTMs in the brain
- without consolidation, memories decay
Retrograde amnesia
Inability to remember what was already known at the onset of amnesia
Anterograde amnesia
Inability/limited ability to form new memories after the onset of amnesia
Henry Molaison
1953-bilateral hippocampal removal to treat seizures