ch 7 part 3 reviews Flashcards
Memory Strategies :
Mental imagery
Understand material instead of only memorizing
Repeat and vary instructional information
img re /
thinking of examples
relating the information to one’s own life
remember visual information
Mental imagery
knowledge about memory
Cognition about cognition; Knowing about knowing
Working memory
Work with masses of information
Execution Function (Umbrella Term)
Working memory
Concentrate, persist, inhibit
the incorrect responses,
resist impulse
example on :
Consider different strategies/approaches
why Intelligence is important :
to do well on cognitive tasks
to solve problems (problem solving skills)
to learn from experience (ability to learn)
to adapt to experiences in everyday life
to measure individual ‘s intelligence :
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Tests
iq wosh nt
q uo ti ent
Normal distribution
Symmetrical, bell-shaped curve
smt rcl
symme tri cal
Individual’s level of mental development relative to that of others
Mental Age (Binet)
bn it
Provided subscales for verbal and nonverbal
Wechsler scales provide more than an overall IQ
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-IV focus on _______
children 2.5 years to 7.25 years of age
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-V
children and adolescents 6 to 16 years of age
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV
verbal and nonverbal examples :
Nonverbal : block design
verbal : similarites and comprehensive