ch 17 reviews part 1 Flashcards
chapter 17
Brain death happen when :
all electrical activity of the brain has ceased
which portion of brain die first :
Decisions Regarding Life, Death, and Health Care :
Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning include :
living will
living will is ______
advance directive
15% of patients ___years and older have a living will
the act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals suffering from incurable diseases or severe disabilities
فعل إنهاء حياة الأفراد الذين يعانون من أمراض غير قابلة للشفاء أو إعاقات شديدة دون ألم
euthanasia types :
passive,active,assisted sucide
passive euthanasia :
treatment is withheld
Active euthanasia :
death deliberately induced
Assisted Suicide euthanasia :
patient self-administers lethal medication
Good death means :
physical comfort, family support, acceptance, and appropriate medical care
resuld of good death :
1)preference for dying process
2) pain-free status
3) emotional well-being
A program committed to making end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible