ch 5 part 3 reviews Flashcards
Emphasis on the social contexts of learning and the construction of knowledge through social interaction
التركيز على السياقات الاجتماعية للتعلم وبناء المعرفة من خلال التفاعل الاجتماعي
Vygotsky’s Theory
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vy got sky
vygotsky emphasis on
Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
Language and Thought
The range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to master alone but that can be learned with guidance and assistance of adults or more skilled children
Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
Changing the level of support or changing gradually
as the student’s competence increases means :
less guidance is given
use_______ to solve tasks
use________to plan, guide, and monitor their behavior
a child might repeat a rule or story to themselves in order to remember it example on :
private speech
language for self-regulation
Related to social competence
Related to attention and increased performance
More often during difficult tasks
defined as :
private speech
Vygotsky versus piaget :
vygotsky emphasis on private speech in development
and students need many opportunities to learn with a teacher and more skilled peers
piaget said speech is immature
children need support
the focusing of mental resources
types of attention :
Executive attention
Sustained attention
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exe cu tive
executive vs sustained
exective : focusing on working skills
such as planning and monitoring, detecting errors, dealing with difficult
sustained : attention in general such as object, task, event
Judgment without examining all details
الحكم السريع او التسرع بالحكم
Haphazard comparison
hpah zrd compare s n
ha pha zard
Attention at preschool age predicts school readiness at ________
1st grade
Having (many) plans means you are ____
clown vs. a teacher provides directions
Children’s attention may be captured by the clown, however, they don’t pay attention to the directions
example on :
Salient vs. relevant dimensions