Ch 5 The integumentary system Flashcards
Integumentary system
Is the largest system of the body and has two major parts that cutaneous membrane or your skin and the accessory structures which include hair exocrine glands and nails for example
What are the two major parts of the integumentary system
Cutaneous membrane
Accessory structures
The components of the cutaneous membrane
Are the outer epidermis
In the inner epidermis
Accessory structures
Originate in the dermis and expand through the epidermis to the skin surface
For example hair and hair follicles, exocrine glands, nails
Subcutaneous layer / hypodermis
Is below the dermis and made of loose connective tissues
This is where blood vessels and send through receptors are
Thin skin
Covers most of the body and has four layers of keratinocytes
It is about as thick as a plastic sandwich bag
Thick skin
Covers the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
It has five layers of keratinocytes and is about as thick as a paper towel
What are the five strata (layers) of keratinocytes in thick thick skin
From deepest to most superficial
Stratum basale
Stratum spinosum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum corneum
Stratum Basale (stratum germinativum)
This is the deepest basal layer of the epidermis it attaches to the basement membrane forming a strong bond between epidermis and dermis
Stratum spinosum/ the spiny layer
Cells in this layer look like little pin cushions 8 to 10 layers of keratinocytes bound by desmosomes they are produced by cells division in the stratum Basel in contain dendritic cells which are active in immune response
Stratum granulosum
The granular layer there are three to five layers of keratinocytes produced from cells of the stratum spinosum by the time cells enter this layer most have stopped dividing and have started making large amounts of keratin
After production of protein these cells die
Stratum lucidum slash the clear layer
This is found only in thick skin and covers the stratum granulosum the cells are flat and densely packed mostly without organelles and fiied with keratin
Stratum corneum / the horny layer
It’s the exposed surface of skin both in thick and thin layers it is water resistant and 15 to 30 layers of keratinized cells new cells move from stratum basal to stratum corneum and 7 to 10 days
Exposed cells are shed after how many weeks
How long does it take new cells to move from the stratum Basel to the stratum corneum
7 to 10 days
Insensible perspiration
Evaporative water loss by diffusion across the epithelium of skin or evaporative across the alveolar surface of the lungs
Sensible perspiration
Water loss due to secretion by sweat glands
What happens when damage breaks connections between superficial and deeper layers of the epidermis
It can increase the rate of insensible perspiration fluid accumulates in pockets also called blisters
Located between epidermis and subcutaneous layers of skin
This layer anchors the epidermal accessory structures such as hair follicles and sweat glands
Cutaneous plexus
Deep network of arteries along the reticular layer of the dermis
Sub papillary plexus
Network of small arteries in the papillary layer of the dermis
Subcutaneous layer/hypodermis
This layer lies deep to the dermis connected to reticular layer by connective tissue it’s stabilizes the position of the skin
What two pigments influence the color of skin in the epidermis
Melanin and carotene
Melanin is produced by melanocytes stored in intercellular vesicles called melanozomes red/yellow or brown / black pigment.
Dark skinned people have a large and numerous amount of melanosomes these protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation
Orange / yellow pigment
It is found in Orange vegetables and accumulates an epidermal cells the deep dermis and subcutaneous layer it can be converted to vitamin a and is required for maintenance of epithelia and synthesis of photo receptor pigments in the eye.
Does blood flow or oxygenation influence your skin color?
Yes it does
Hemoglobin is bright red when bound to oxygen what does this mean for your skin tone
When blood vessels dilate from heat your skin red ends when blood flow to skin decreases your skin will pale
Hemoglobin turns dark red when oxygen is released what does this mean regarding your skin tone
This can result in cyanosis or bluish colored skin and can be caused by extreme cold heart asthma decreased oxygen etc
Build up of bile produced by your liver
Can cause skin and the whites of your eyes to turn yellow
Loss of melanocytes causing color loss
What is the function of hair
Protects and insulates
Guard openings from particles and insects
Serve a sensory receptors
All of the body is covered in hair except
Palms, fingers
Sides and soles of feet as well as sides and soles of toes
Portions of external genitalia
Hair root
Portion that anchors the hair into the skin
Hair shaft
Upper part of the hair that you see
Vellas hairs
Soft fine hair that covers most of the body’s surface
Terminal hair
Heavily pigmented hairs
Found on head eyebrows and eyelashes and other parts of your body after puberty
Sebaceous glands
Oil glands
Eccrine sweat glands
Glands that are widely distributed on the body’s surface secretions are 99% water Plus salt
Mammary glands
Produce milk
Ceruminous glance
Produce ear wax which is also called cerumen
Nails are hard protective tips on fingers and toes made of dead sails packed with keratin
Nail body
Visible portion of the nail and covers the nail bed
Nail bed
Part of the nail that is underneath the actual fingernail or the nail body
What are the aging effects on skin
Epidermis thins
Number of dedritic cells decrease
Vitamin D3 production declines
Melanocyte and glandular activities decline
Blood supply to the dermis is reduced
Function of hair follicles declined
The dermis thins in elastic fiber Network shrinks
Sex specific hair and body fat distribution fades
The repair rate slows down
Identify 1
Identify 2
Identify 3
Identify 4
Nail body
Identify 5
Free edge
Identify 6
Identify 7
Nail groove
Identify 8
Nail wall
Identify 9
Nail bed
Identify 10