ch 21 - living well with chronic illness Flashcards
most common chronic diseases
- heart disease
- stroke
- cancer
- diabetes
- obesity
- OA
- chronic kidney disease
- chronic lung disease
Major global lifestyle risk
factors for development
of chronic disease (4)
- smoking
- unhealthy diet
- physical inactivity
- alcohol abuse
9 stages of trajectory model of chronic illness
- pre trajectory
- trajectory onset
- stable
- unstable
- acute
- crisis
- comeback
- downward
- dying
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
- before illness occurs
- no S+S
- pre trajectory
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
- S+S present to some extent
- includes diagnostic period
- trajectory onset
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
-controlled illness course/symptoms
- stable
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
- illness course/symptoms not controlled by regimen
- not requiring/desiring hospitalization
- unstable
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
-active illness/complications that require hospitalization or management
- acute
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
- life threatening situation
- acute threat to identity
- crisis
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
-period of temporary remission from crisis
- comeback
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
- progressive decline in physical/mental status
- increasing disability/symptoms
- downward
phase of trajectory model of chronic illness:
-immediate weeks, days, hours preceding death
- dying
a multidimensional syndrome characterized by
decreased reserves and diminished resistance to
S+S associated with frailty (3/5)
- unexplained weight loss
- self reported exhaustion
- weak grip strength
- slow walking speed
- low activity