Ch. 18 (Breasts & Regional Lymphatics) Flashcards
What anatomical region is characterized as the breast tissue that extends to the upper outer quadrant into the axilia?
tail of spence
Where do most breast tumors originate from?
tail of spence (upper outer quadrant into the axilia)
What are the glands that go with the areola and secrete lubrication to keep the nipple fermented from cracking?
montgomery glands
What kind of tissue in the breast is present in about fifteen to twenty lobes, and drains milk out to the nipple?
glandular tissue
What produces milk in glandular tissue?
What are fibrous bands that attach breast tissue to the chest wall muscles?
cooper’s ligaments
What kind of tissue, that is present in the breast, is classifed as fat and provides the breast its bulk like appearance?
adipose tissue
On a scale of small to a lot…
How much lymph nodes are present in the breast?
very extensive
How do you perform a breast examination on a pt?
- pt supine w/one arm under head
- use pads of 3 fingers, in rotary motion
- start outward and spiral inward (or lawnmower technique)
- note nipple discharge
When inspecting the nipples of a pt, is everted or inverted more normal? Which would you ask the pt more about?
- everted
- inverted (usually if it’s new or baseline)
When a lump is noticed during a breast examination, what characteristics should you note in relation to the lump itself?
- location (in terms of a clock)
- size (measure it!)
- shape
- consistency
- mobility
What website can someone use to help determine their risks for developing breast cancer in comparison to someone their age?
the gail model
What are some abnormal breast findings?
- dimpling
- edema - peau drange (lymph obstruction)
- nipple retraciton
- fixation
- deviation in nipple pointing
What are the different types of abnormal breast lumps?
- benign breast (fibrocystic breast disease)
- cancer
- fibroadenoma
What type of abnormal breast lump occurs in 50% of cases and is cyclic, bilateral nodularity and sometimes rubbery?
benign breast disease
What type of abnormal breast lump is characterized as a solidary, unilateral, nontender, irregular and can be fixed?
What type of abnormal breast lump is characterized as a solidary, non tender benign, firm (like a marble) mass that is common between the ages fifteen to thirty years old?
What type of abnormal breast finding is characterized as unilateral, sometimes palpable lump that gives off bloody discharge from the nipple?
What are some concerning symptoms that can come with nipple discharge?
- bloody or clear, gray
- unilateral
What type of abnormal breast finding is characterized as enlargement of the breast tissue?