ch 11 motivation and emotion people Flashcards
needs for achievement, affiliation, or power
David McClelland
hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow
innate typical pattern of behavior, doesn’t require thought
William James
motivated by needs, drives, goals and responses, primary vs secondary drives
Clark Hull
behaviour motivates because it is stimulating
Yerkes and Dodson
recorded physiological response of volunteers who came into their lab to masturbate (sexual response cycle)
William Masters and Virginia Johnson
disagreed with James-Lange theory, concluded bodily responses occur separately but simultaneously
Walter Cannon
demonstrated how we appraise our experiences matters, two factor theory
Stanley Schachter + Jerome Singer
contended that humans have many emotional reactions apart from our conscious interpretation of a situation
Robert Zajonc
emotional researcher, brain processes fast amts of info without our conscious awareness
Richard Lazarus
concluded that emotional are fueled by psychological reactions
Carl Lange
Joseph LeDoux
facial expressions, American psychologist
Paul Ekman
8 basic emotions, American psychologist
Robert Plutchik