cell signalling part 2 Flashcards
What is a receiver?
Ligand binding region of receptor
What is a transducer?
Conformational change of the receptor
What is an amplifier?
Increase number of molecules affected by signal
What is the responder?
Molecular function that change in response to signal
Types of Receptors:
Binds to hydrophobic ligands
Types of Receptors:
Ligand gated ion channels
Leads to changes in membrane potential
Types of Receptors:
Receptor- enzymes
Lead to changes in intracellular enzyme activity
Types of Receptors:
G-protein-coupled activation leads to what?
Activation of membrane-bound G-proteins
leads to changes in cell activity
What are the steroid hormones derived from?
Three major types of steroid hormones:
The reproductive hormones (3)
The mineral-corticoid (1)
The Glucocorticoid (2)
1) Progesterone, testosterone, Estrogen
2) Aldosterone
- ion and salt regulation
3) Cortisol, corticosterone
- fear and stress response
** all of these are hydrophobic so dont need vesicles can go through membrane
What are the 5 steps for intracellular receptors?
- ligan diffuse across cell membrane
- bind to receptor in cytoplasm or nucleus
- L-R complex binds to specific DNA sequences
- Regulates the Transcription of target genes
- increase or decrease production of specific mRNA
Receptor Enzymes:
how do they sit in the membrane, what do they bind to?
hydrophilic chemical mesangers
Receptor Enzymes:
what does the catalytic domain of receptor star?
a phosphorylation cascade
phosphorylation of specific intracellular proteins
Receptor tyrosine kinase:
in humans how many different types?
Receptor tyrosine kinase:
what are SH2 regions
region where other signalling proteins will attach and is able to recognize