Cat coat colour genetics Flashcards
ASIP- A locus
-wild types ((hunting advantage)
-dominant A can be banded
-mutation in ASIP
-recessive a/a
-simular in horses and herding dogs
TYRP1- B locus
-B - not brown
-b/b modifies black eumelanin to black
-b is rare allele seen in a few cat breeds
-called chocolate
TYRP1-b1 allele
-called cinnamon of b1/b1
-b/b1 is more chocolate in colour
D locus - melanophilin
-d/d cats are dilute color
-melanophilin (MLPH) deletion
E locus=MC1R
ea- amber
-amino acid change causes a recessive allele
-eumelanin replaced with phaeomelanin (born black/brown tabby)
-areas that would typically be cream are “redder”
-mutation only found in Norwegian cats so far
MC1R- er
-three pair deletion causes a recessive allele
-results in a “russet” cat
-mutation found only in Burmese cats
O locus
-controlled by an unknown gene located on the X chromosome and is a sex-linked trait
TYR= C Locus
-full colour: C
-siamese: Cs
-Burmese: Cb
-albino c
colour point patterns
-tyrosinase TYR gene
-dark points in several colours
-white/pale body
-coloured on extremities
-mutation is temp sensitive
-closer to the body is warmer so no colour
colour point allele Cs
-cs/cs light body and dark extremities
-cs allele makes a temp-sensitive tyrosinase enzyme that is non-functional at cat core body temperature
-recessive mutation
Burmese allele
-cb is less tempratue sensitive than the cs allele
-body is dark brown, with darker extremities
cs/cb genotype
-cs/cb genotype causes colouration midway between siamese and burmese
-tonkinese cats have this genotype
albino cats
-c/c cats are albino
-frameshift mutation results in a premature stop codon
-no pigments in hair or iris
W locus= white dominant
-an insertion in intron of the KIT gene believed to be cause of dominant white
-caused by an insertion- feline endogenous retrovirus disrupting the gene
-causes cats to be completely white
white cats and deafness
-white cats are prone to deafness
-blue eyes are more likely
-odd eyed white cats may be deaf on the blue-eyed side
white spotting and markings
-white marking with white paws and underside common
-insertion in KIT gene is thought to be the cause of white spotting
-codominance and variable expression
-Ws/Ws= mostly white
-W+/Ws= some white
-W+/W+=completely pigmented
white feet in Birman cats
-called gloving
-results from recessive mutation in KIT gene
-GG=no gloving
-Gg=no gloving
-gg= gloving