Case Study – Level 2 Flashcards
• When measuring the flat, how did you account for the bay area where the damp readings were found?
- The sum of the longer and short lengths divided by 2 multiplied by the depth.
• What steps did you take to prepare the vendors for your inspection with regards to Covid-19?
- I spoke to agents/vendors and asked them to leave as many window open as possible.
- I asked if a nice day and it was possible for them to stay in the garden or in one room until I was ready to enter that room.
- I requested doors left open for Gas/Electric Meter and Boiler Cupboards and loft hatch open and ladder down if they had a ladder that prevented me from entering the loft area.
• How did you inspect and report on the communal area?
- I reported from top to bottom from the ceiling down to the floors. I would report on any lifts and common services such as lights etc.
• How did you measure the external wall thickness?
- With a tape measure. The wall measured approximately 240mm in width.
• How did you determine that the original ground floor lintel had been replaced?
Because the rear door was a bi-folding door with a wider lintel than would have been there previously.
• Could any of the cracking have been caused by installation of new doors and windows?
Yes – If could have been caused due to the new door and lintel being installed.
• Did you test for damp to the floor in the bay area?
Yes – None was located but doesn’t necessarily mean that some is not present lower down.
• Why did you give a CR3 for ceilings when you noted that they were free from structural defects?
- Due to the possibility of Asbestos in the textured coating which can be harmful. The CR3 related to the Asbestos element.
• Did you check for moisture in the chimney breasts?
Yes – I always check for dampness within a chimney breast.
• What did the pipework consist of when you inspected it?
- The visible pipework was copper. I did not see any lead pipework visible.
• If you identified lead pipework, how would you report this?
- Drinking from lead pipes over time can be harmful to your health.
- The lead pipes should be replaced.
- If the lead is within the property boundaries, then you are responsible and if outside the property boundary the utility suppliers are responsible.
• What allowances did you make for the condition of your comparables and how did you decide on these % adjustments?
- I didn’t need to make any adjustments as most was down to general decoration. I am of the opinion that most buyers decorate internally to put their own stamp on the property.
- If I felt the property was lacking in a new kitchen and bathroom, I would adjust accordingly be either a percentage reduction or possible a sum amount added or deducted from the property.
• How did you obtain floor areas of the comparables?
- They were obtained from floor plans.
• If this was an RICS Homebuyer Report on the same building but as a house, how would you have carried out the inspection of the roof structure?
- I would have entered the loft hatch using either a loft hatch ladder or my own telescopic ladder.
- I would have looked at the structure which would have been softwood timbers with timber purlins and either diagonal struts, vertical stuts or both.
- As the roof tiles had been changed at some stage, I would have expected that the tiles were lined.
- I would have checked the timber for woodworm and damp/condensation.
- The loft area may have had a lack of ventilation and also, I would have checked the loft insulation.