Cardiovascular System - Lecture 5 Flashcards
What is an electrocardiogram?
a recording of the electrical activity of the heart
What is an electrocardiograph?
the device that records the electrical activity of the heart
What kind of recordings are ECGs?
When do ECGs appear?
when there is a potential difference
What are the 3 parts of the ECG set-up?
- patient cable + electrode
- lead-selector switch
- voltmeter
What is found on the electrode to allow free flowing of ions?
salt solution
All waves start and end at ___.
What are the 8 steps of an ECG wave?
- sinus node fires
- P-wave
- AV node activation
- His bundle
- left bundle and septum (Q-wave)
- Purkinje fibres and ventricles (R-wave)
- late activation (S-wave)
- ventricle repolarize (T-wave)
What direction does the ECG wave move?
right to left
Does the sinus node firing show up on the ECG?
What does the P-wave represent?
the atrial activation
Which node activation propagates very slowly?
the AV node
Is the His bundle activation visible?
Is the left bundle activation visible?
Is the septum activation visible?
What does the Q-wave represent?
the activation of the septum
What is the sign of the Q-wave?
What is the direction of the Q-wave?
left to right
Is the activation of Purkinje fibres visible?
Is the activation of the ventricles visible?
What does the R-wave represent?
activation of the ventricles
What does the S-wave represent?
some parts of the ventricle that activate a bit later
What does the T-wave represent?
the ventricles repolarizing (recovering)
What does the QRS complex represent?
depolarization of the ventricles
When is the P-R segment?
end of P to start of Q
When is the P-R interval?
start of P to start of Q
What is the P-R segment?
the time delay between atrial and ventricular activation
What does the P-R segment define?
the reference line for the ECG
What is the reference line for ECGs?
the P-R segment
The P-R interval is mostly a measure of ___ transit time.
What happens when there are long P-R intervals?
AV block
What is the S-T segment?
the end of S to the start of T