Caesar, BG 4.27 Flashcards
ager agrī m.
land, soil; country, territory, district, region;pl.,land, lands, country;agrīsolum,the bare ground;agrī cultūra,farming, agriculture.
arcessō (accersō) arcessere arcessīvī arcessītus
cause to come, send for, invite, summon; procure.
Atrebās –ātis
an Atrebatian;pl.,the Atrebates, the Atrebatians,a Belgic tribe.
commendō commendāre commendāvī commendātus
put under one’s protection, intrust, commit, commend.
comprehendō (comprendō) comprehendere comprehendī comprehensus
grasp, lay hold of; seize, capture;īgnem comprehendere,catch fire.
cōnferō cōnferre cōntulī cōllātus
bring together, collect, convey; compare; defer, put off; contribute; ascribe, attribute;culpam cōnferre,lay the blame;sē cōnferre,betake oneself, go.
continēns –ntis f.
adj.,continuous, continuous, uninterrupted, consecutive; temperate;as subst., f.,continent, mainland.
culpa culpae f.
fault, error; blame.
dēferō dēferre dētulī dēlātus
carry off, drive down, force; bring, carry; confer, grant, give, offer; report, state; propose, lay before;pass.,drift, fall, be turned aside.
dēmōnstrō dēmōnstrāre dēmōnstrāvī dēmōnstrātus
point out, show; indicate, designate; mention, speak of, explain.
īgnōscō īgnōscere īgnōvī īgnōtus
overlook, pardon, excuse.
imprūdentia –ae f.
want of foresight, inconsiderateness, ignorance.
adv.,meanwhile, in the meantime.
longinquus –a –um
distant, remote; long-continued, protracted.
mandātum –ī n.
charge, injunction, order, commission.
ōrātor ōrātōris m.
speaker; ambassador, envoy.
prīnceps prīncipis m.
queror querī questus sum
complain, bewail, lament; complain of.
remigrō –āre
go back, return.
as soon as
prep. with abl.,without.
adv.,at once, on the spot.
adv.,to the farther side; besides, too; of oneself, unasked, spontaneously, voluntarily, without provocation; in spite of himself;ultrō citrōque,back and forth, to and fro.
vinculum vinculī n.
chain, fetter, bond.