Caesar, BG 4.16 Flashcards
for these sets of vocabulary “cards” I have removed words that seem particularly common or easy. Words given in for this chapter will not be repeated if they occur in later ones.
These lists were made using the Haverford Bridge Program created by Prof. Bret Mulligan. For questions or corrections please contact
accēdō accēdere accessī accessum
to go or come to, approach; be added, be included; happen; be an additional factor (esp. impersonal + quod or ut)
aequus –a –um
level, even; equitable, just; calm, tranquil; equal to; suitable to
<p>Ariovistus –ī m.</p>
a leader of the Seuvi (a German tribe)
audeō audēre ausus sum
to dare
however; moreover
causa causae f.
reason, cause; case; lawsuit; (in abl., often after a word in gen.) for the sake of
commemorō commemorāre commemorāvī commemorātus
to recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record
cōnficiō cōnficere cōnfēcī cōnfectus
to accomplish, complete; finish off, kill
coniungō coniungere coniūnxī coniūnctus
to connect, join/yoke together; marry; connect/compound (words) (w/conjunctions); unite (sexually); place/bring side–by–side; juxtapose; share; add; associate; join in time, make follow without a break
cōpia cōpiae f.
abundance; in pl., troops, forces; (+ gen.) opportunity for; use of, access to
dēdō dēdere dēdidī dēditus
to give up, surrender, devote
equitātus equitātūs m.
cavalry, horse–soldiers; equestrian order; bodies of cavalry (pl.); horsemanship, equitation, riding; creature in heat (> mare)
also, even; still
exercitus exercitūs m.
exīstimō exīstimāre exīstimāvī exīstimātus
to value/esteem; form/hold opinion/view; think/suppose; estimate; judge/consider
faciō facere fēcī factus
to make; do; reckon
ferō ferre tulī lātus
to bring, bear, carry; endure; report (feritur it is said; ferunt they say)
fīnīō fīnīre fīnīvī fīnītus
to finish, limit
fīnis fīnis m.
boundary, end, limit, goal; (pl.) country, territory, land
frūmentor frūmentārī frūmentātus
to forage
fuga fugae f.
heavily; deadly; greatly, deeply; heavily, mournfully (> gravis)
impellō impellere impulī impulsum
to strike against, impel
imperium imperiī n.
power, authority, command; empire
īnferō īnferre intulī inlātus
to bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge; inflict/cause/inflict/impose/inspire (w/DAT); [bellum inferre => make war on]; put/throw/thrust in/on, insert; bury/inter; pay; charge as expense; append
intellegō intellegere intellēxī intellēctus
to understand
intersum –esse –fuī
to be/lie between, be in the midst; be present; take part in; be different; make a difference; (impers.) it makes a difference
invītus –a –um
reluctant; unwilling; against one’s will
iūstus –a –um
just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper
lēgātus lēgātī m.
legate, envoy; lieutenant
mittō mittere mīsī missus
to send; release, let go; omit, leave off (+ inf.)
provided that; only, just; now, just now
Mosa –ae m.
a river in Belgic Gaul, now the Meuse
nātiō nātiōnis f.
nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens
nūntius nūnti(ī) m.
messenger/herald/envoy; message (oral), warning; report; messenger’s speech
obses obsidis m. or f.
hostage; pledge, security
occupātiō –ōnis f.
a taking possession, occupying, seizure
opīniō opīniōnis f.
belief, idea, opinion; rumor
orō orāre orāvī orātus
to pray (to); to plead (before a court or assembly)
pars partis f.
part; portion, share; (in plural) part (in a play), role, duty
pellō pellere pepulī pulsus
to push, drive (off)
polliceor pollicērī pollicitus sum
to promise
populus populī m.
(the) people; populace
possum posse potuī
to be able, can
postulō postulāre postulāvī postulātus
to demand, claim; require; ask/pray for
potestās potestātis f.
power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity
praedor –ārī praedātus sum
to plunder; to go hunting for food
premō premere pressī pressus
to press (hard); overpower; check; (of males) have sex with; check, prune; suppress the publication of
proelium proeliī n.
prohibeō prohibēre prohibuī prohibitus
to prevent; prohibit, forbid; forbid the use of (+ abl.)
quisquam quicquam
someone, something; anyone, anything
also, too
recipiō recipere recēpī receptus
to keep back; recover; undertake; guarantee; accept, take in; take back
reliquus –a –um
remaining, rest (of)
rēs publica reī publicae f.
respondeō respondēre respondī respōnsus
to answer, give an opinion about the law
Rhēnus –ī m.
Rōmānus –a –um
belonging to Rome; Roman; subst., Romanus, i, m., a Roman (> Roma)
spēs speī f.
statuō statuere statuī statūtus
to set up, establish, set, place, build; decide, think
Suēvī (Suēbī) –ōrum m.
the Suevi, a Germanic tribe; Swedes and other Nordic peoples (neo-Latin)
Sugambrī (Sig–) –ōrum m.
a German tribe between the Sieg and the Lippe
suī sibi sē sē
himself, herself, itself (reflexive)
sum esse fuī futūrus
to be; exist; (also used to form verb perfect passive tenses) (+ nom. perfect participle)
above, beyond; over; more than; in charge of, in authority over (adv. and prep. +acc.)
suus –a –um
his (own), her (own), its (own); their (own)
tantus –a –um
so much, so great, of such size; [tantus … quantus => as much … as]
tempus temporis n.
<p>Tencterī (–therī) –ōrum m.</p>
<p>a branch of the Usipetes (a German tribe)</p>
timeō timēre timuī
to fear, be afraid (of)
across, over; beyond; on the other side; (only local relations) (+ acc.)
trānseō trānsīre trānsīvī/trānsiī trānsitus
to go over, cross
trānsportō trānsportāre trānsportāvī trānsportātus
to carry across or over, governing the acc. of the space crossed
Trānsrhēnānus –a –um
living across the Rhine
tūtus –a –um
safe, prudent; secure; protected
Ubiī –ōrum m.
the Ubii, a German tribe
ulterior –ius; ultimus –a –um
far; farther; farthest, latest; last; highest, greatest
ūnus –a –um
1, alone; single
Usipetēs –um m. or Usīpiī –ōrum m.
a German tribe who migrated from eastern Germany to the lower Rhine
ut or utī
in order that (introduces purpose clause); as, like; when; (introduces indirect command) that; (introduces negative fear clause) that…not; (interregotative) how?; (rel. adverb) to what extent
or; either…or; even; (conj.), or implying indifference as to the alternative or choice, or, freq.; even, or whether, and; vel — vel, either — or
veniō venīre vēnī ventum
to come
videō vidēre vidī vīsus
to see; (passive) be seen, seem
volō velle voluī
to be willing, want, wish; mean, signify