Caesar, BG 4.18 Flashcards
abdō abdere abdidī abditum
to put away, remove, set aside
addūcō adducere addūxī adductus
to lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten
at or ast
but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least
cīvitās cīvitātis f.
state, citizenry; citizenship
coepī coepisse coeptum
to begin
comparō comparāre comparāvī comparātus
to prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise (force); unite; place together, match, couple, pair; set/pit against; treat as equal; compare; set up/establish/institute; arrange, dispose, settle; buy, acquire, secure
complūrēs complūrium
several, a fair number, quite a number
comportō comportāre comportāvī comportātus
to bring together, carry away
decem; decimus –a –um
10; 10th
diēs diēī m. or f.
efficiō efficere effēcī effectus (efficatus, rarely)
to make; bring about
excēdō excēdere excessī excessus
to pass, withdraw, exceed; go away/out/beyond; die
exportō –āre
to carry out, bring out, convey away, send away, export
fīrmus –a –um
firm/steady; substantial/solid/secure/safe; strong/robust/sturdy/stout/durable; loyal/staunch/true/constant; stable/mature; valid/convincing/well founded
habeō habēre habuī habitus
to have, hold; consider