Caesar, BG 4.21 Flashcards
Atrebātēs, ium,
A tribe in what is now Belgium or N. France, inland from Calais
auctōritās auctōritātis f.
authority; influence, clout
audiō audīre audīvī audītus
to hear, listen (to)
brevis breve
short, of space; shallow of time, brief; subst. pl., brevia –ium, n., shoals
celeriter celerius celerrime
classis classis f.
class/division of Romans; grade (pupils); levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band
committō committere commīsī commīssus
to bring together, unite, join, connect, attach; put together, construct; entrust; engage (battle), set against; begin, start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit
Commius –ī m.
a military tribune in Caesar’s army
cōnsilium cōnsiliī n.
deliberation; plan, advice; judgment
domus domī f.
house, home
ēgredior ēgredī ēgressus sum
to stride out, depart, disembark ( + abl)
there, in that place; for that reason, consequently
explōrō explōrāre explōrāvī explōrātus
to search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate
facultās facultātis f.
means; ability, skill; opportunity, chance; resources (pl.), supplies
fidēlis fidēle
faithful/loyal/devoted; true/trustworthy/dependable/reliable; constant/lasting
fidēs fideī f.
faith, trust; trustworthiness; confidence; truth of the matter
fīnitimus –a –um
neighboring, bordering, adjoining
to here, hither
imperō imperāre imperāvī imperātus
to give an order, order, command; levy; rule (over) (+ dat.); hold political power, be emperor
mandō mandāre mandāvī mandātus
to entrust, commit to one’s charge, deliver over; commission; order, command
Morinī –ōrum m.
a people of Belgic Gaul, near modern Calais
nūntiō nuntiāre nuntiāvī nuntiātus
to announce/report/bring word/give warning; convey/deliver/relate message/greeting
obtemperō obtemperāre obtemperāvī obtemperātus
to obey, comply
perferō perferre pertulī perlātus
to suffer, endure; report
perīculum perīculī n.
permaneō permanēre permānsī permānsum
to remain, last
praemittō praemittere praemīsī praemissum
to send ahead
priusquam or prius quam
before; until; sooner than
probō probāre probāvī probātus
to approve (of), esteem, commend, recommend, certify; give assent/approval/sanction; let; show to be real/true; examine, test, try, prove, demonstrate; get accepted
quam prīmum
as soon as possible
quīnque; quīntus –a –um
5; 5th
remittō remittere remīsī remissum
to send back, release; absolve
renūntiō renūntiāre renūntiāvī renūntiātus
to report, renounce
revertor revertī reversus sum
to return; to turn back, go back, return; recur (usually deponent in present system, active in perfect; deponent perfect mostly post-Augustan)
rēx rēgis m.
sententia sententiae f.
thought, feeling; opinion; judicial opinion, verdict
sequor sequī secūtus sum
to follow; come next, come later
superō superāre superāvī superātus
to overcome, conquer; surpass; (intransitive) prevail
trāiectus –ūs m.
a crossing over, passing over, passage
together, together with; at the same time, along with
Veneticus –a –um
of or belonging to the Veneti (in Gaul, a people in what is now Brittany)
virtūs virtūtis f.
manliness, courage; excellence, virtue
Volusēnus –ī m.
an officer in Caesar’s army