Caesar. BG 4.22 Flashcards
accidō accidere accidī –––
to fall, befall, happen
antepōnō antepōnere anteposuī antepositum
to put before, prefer
nearly, not far from, almost, approximately, around, about
cōgō cogere coēgī coāctus
to collect, gather, round up, restrict, confine; force, compel; convene; congeal
cōnsuētūdō cōnsuētūdinis f.
habit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention; experience; empirical knowledge; sexual/illicit intercourse, intimacy, affair
contrahō contrahere contrāxī contractus
to collect, contract, reduce; shrink because of pain
Cotta –ae m.
Cotta (a name)
dūcō dūcere dūxī ductus
to lead; consider; draw out, pull out; lead off for punishment
while, as long as, until; provided that; since
eques equitis m.
horseman/cavalryman/rider; horsemen (pl.), cavalry; member of the equestrian order; knight (abb. eq.); (wealthy enough to own his own horse); horse
excūsō excūsāre excūsāvī excūsātus
to excuse
imperītus –a –um
unskilled, inexperienced
iūdicō iūdicāre iūdicāvī iūdicātus
to judge, give judgment; sentence; conclude, decide; declare, appraise
legiō legiōnis f.
Menapiī –ōrum m.
a Gallic tribe between the Meuse and the Scheldt
mīlle; mīllēsimus –a –um
1000, 1000th
numerus numerī m.
number, amount; body, collection, class; a measure (of verse)
octō; octāvus –a –um
8; 8th
octōgintā; octōgēsimus –a –um
80; 80th
onerārius –a –um
carrying weight; transporting freight
opportūnus –a –um
suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed
pāgus –ī m.
a district, province, region, rural inhabitant
parō parāre parāvī parātus
to prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan
passus passūs m.
pace, footstep; mila passuum a thousand paces, a mile
praefectus praefectī m.
prefect; esp. praefectus praetorio, commander of the praetorian guard
besides, thereafter; in addition
Publius –iī m.
quaestor quaestōris m.
quaestor, state treasurer
Quintus –ī m.
quisquis quidquid or quicquid
whoever; every one who; whoever it be; everyone; each
quōminus or quō minus
(introduces Prevention clause) by which the less, from
how many , as many as (undeclinable)
tantulus –a –um
so little, so small
tergum tergī n. or tergus –oris n.
the back of men or animals; the stern of a ship; skin, hide; gauntlet, hide; form, frame, body; carcass, body; length, long body; a layer, plate; pl., terga, orum, members, frame
tribuō tribuere tribuī tribūtus
to divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute
ventus ventī m.